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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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1367 results found

  1. Please allow webp images format to be imported or drag & drop directly to artboard.

    This will lessen the time to convert webp to jpg, png, etc.

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  2. Hi,
    We've been waiting for a long time for stack feature and very very good to see its first step.

    Problem: 60x60 6 component instances are stacked as horizontally with 3 px gaps between them. When we tried to swap an instance with another which was 30x30 stack didn't make it aligned vertically.

    Solution: Stack groups have to have align determinations. If stack group is horizontally we should able to select its default alignment (top, vertical middle, bottom) Off course it would be great if we could determine its dimension fixations like autoAlign tool do (Anima) but for now I…

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  3. When you select a repeat grid object, you can see pink highlight if you mover your cursor between grids then you could just drag it to modify the padding.

    With Stack, you have to double click to edit padding, which feels unintuitive and inconvenient. 1. You'd easily miss the fact that the particular group is stack enabled so you can drag the padding. 2. When you're working on page layout, you'd be repeatedly double clicking the group especially if you have many objects on the same artboard.

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  4. Paste appearance now works for individual items. It would be time saving if I could copy the appearance of a group of objects and paste it into another one with the same objects and different appearance.

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  5. Since our team is using multiple shared design libraries, it would be nice to be able to open more than one library when working on a document.

    For instance, I'd like to be able to have both the brand library and the current document assets open at the same time.

    Especially if one could be on a floating palette.

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  6. Hello XD team,

    I am working on a large design system and even if a lot efforts have been done on the components in the previous patches, I would like to share my thoughts on the two following points.

    I collaborate with product owners, project managers and developers. These profiles have been formed on XD (basics principles and how to use our design system). As far as I know, they struggle on updating values as text or icon within components. They have to click a lot time to "correctly" point on the element they want to update, resulting in a…

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  7. It would be helpful to relink all instances of a linked component in a given document to a different component, in similar fashion to relinking an image in InDesign to a different external image source.

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  8. When I select a single child layer inside a group, all the align options are disabled. Please enable them so that I can align them with respect to the artboard.

    Also, please allow us to select an artboard and a layer outside the artboard together and align.

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  9. once the "name" of a layer of an instance or the main-component has been renamed (aka broken) manually, any future re-namings of the main-component or its "broken" layer will not be executed in the instance.

    this is understandable.

    to reset an ENTIRE element XD has the "reset to main-component" feature - which is great.

    MY IDEA:
    similar to the feature where you reset line spacing by entering "none", there could be a re-set of the name / re-link to the naming of the main-component by entering a "none" as the layer name.

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    0 comments  ·  01 : Design mode  ·  Admin →
  10. (posted in the right forum this time)

    As a user, I want to be able to adjust the auto save frequency on cloud documents so that I have more control over my system and my file, and my workflow is not interrupted.

    Right now, the auto save seems to save my work every X edits, which would be great if XD didn't slow down or freeze during this, unfocus typing, and generally interrupt my entire workflow.

    For example this just happened to me again: I manually saved a document. Then I clicked into an element (not component) and adjusted the…

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  11. When I use a library file its MBs get added to every of the design files I use. And if I nest a library in another one e.g. I have some patterns that combine multiple component libraries, the pattern library becomes huge, slow, and impractical to use. Why is it that libraries have to be "copied" and their size added to that of the design file. There must be a more optimal way to handle libraries.

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    Thanks for reaching out. Since you asked, libraries are sync’d into your document in order to enable you to work while disconnected. That being said, we’re looking at alternate ways of sync’ing linked assets, so I’ll keep this open.

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  13. It would be a great time saver to be able to drag psd files into XD documents for using them as images without needing to save em as jpg or png first.

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  14. I'm a new user who just started a UX/UI bootcamp, and unfortunately (or fortunately) the video guides are already outdated. One thing I found very strange is that in the older versions you could have an individual grid layout for each art board, but now it looks like it's all or nothing, though it seems you still can individually change the square or or column variables of each grid overlay on each artboard separately.

    This makes no sense. Say that I'm building a UI for for mobile and website, they would definitely be using a different grid overlay types and…

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  15. Hello Support Team,

    We really don't need the pack of the tool. We only simple and sweet UI Design tool. We never ever use prototyping. Or we use just simple linked prototyping. Nothing more than this.

    Please don't make the software heavier. Keep it sweet and simple.

    - Dhaval

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  16. Component states are awesome, but right now the size increase for a complex component is not scalable. After doing some testing, components appear to increase their size proportionally to the number of states.

    For example if I have a Default state, create a new state and move the components, say in a mask, to do an animation the size has now doubled. Then if I copy that to a new artboard, it doubles again, because both states get carried around. Therefore what originally would have been a master with an instance in 2 separate artboards with size 2X is now…

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  17. Hello,
    My team uses XD in coediting mode and each time someone updates their XD and goes into the document, when it autosaves, it kicks everyone else out with an older version. It's so ridiculous. Would love if the Adobe team can find a better way to handle this and not kick out designers who are currently in a document. It's very disruptive to workflow!

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  18. I often modify components when exploring possible design solutions. When satisfied I sometimes want that modification as a state for that component. But then I need to open the Main component, create a new state and redo the entire process which is frustrating, time consuming and prone to errors.

    What if the overrides I've made to a component (also instances) could be directly added as a state from within the states panel?

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  19. 2) Al Resaltar en Lienzo, debería hacer auto zoom, por lo menos en la mesa de trabajo donde se encuentra el objeto ya que entre tantos objetos, solo lo marca y no se aprecia donde se encuentra. Ademas seria ideal permitir cambiar el color de marcación para resaltarlo.

    2) When Highlighting on Canvas, you should auto zoom, at least on the artboard where the object is located since among so many objects, it only marks it and it is not appreciated where it is. Also it would be ideal to allow to change the marking color to highlight it.

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  20. chat or voice call is required inside XD, if multiple designers are working in single XD file.

    right now, we are 3 designers are working in a single xd file.. it's for a hackathone and for discussing we are using other tools. it will be great if you can add a chat feature to co designer or voice support. Since all are working from home :)

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