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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. Please can there be an update button added to the open linked library pannel?

    It auto-updates if a NEW component is added, but if I adjust an existing component, I have to navigate back to all libraries, open my document assets, update and then go back to the linked library. It's massively annoying.

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  2. The new padding tool is great EXCEPT that it is behaving like a margin tool - not a padding tool.

    As it is currently, when resizing a group of objects, altering the padding (free or uniform) expands/contracts the parent container, when the parent container should maintain it's size and the objects inside the parent container should move within the parent.

    Expanding/contracting the size of the external container - is how you increase/decrease margins.

    I suspect that at least one of your developers probably mentioned this somewhere along the way because this is web development 101...

    Seriously, though - please fix…

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  3. So many times when I design, I just want to put things in new, overarching groups. Yet, this always breaks the auto-animation of any group within that new group. Very frustrating as it breaks the "feel" of my design constantly.

    I really want components to keep their inter-artboard animations, regardless if they reside in new overarching groups. Hope this is possible!

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    0 comments  ·  01 : Design mode  ·  Admin →
  4. Somehow the new CC Libraries are not thought through. There are two things which are really a problem in my opinion.

    When I publish a library I now have all components, styles and colors from XD in all applications. Which is ok for colors but what should I do with the styles and components in print for example? They are completely useless because I will define other styles and components in InDesign. So now the libraries are getting more and more filled up with elements you don't need.

    I use always the same template for style guides. For…

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  5. When you hover over a group and see the blue highlight, you should be allowed to click and select that group. This will make selecting things SO much easier!!


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  6. Allow 'stack' feature for entire content of an artboard! This would be amazing! Now I have to put everything in one group to do that – this wouldn't be necessary if we make the entire artboard to a vertical stack!

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  7. Description of the feature

    Use shadows and background blur on an object at the same time. Right now it seems the bg-blur blurs also the shadow? It gets muted down to 10% or something, I can barely see the shadow anymore.

    Why this is valuable to you

    This is important for iOS apps since translucency is key in iOS.

    If possible, an image or video that helps us understand your feature request

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  8. Let's say I create a simple button component. Then I want to have an outlined button. Then I want to have both buttons have a state containing an icon. Then I want all these to have a hover, active, and disabled states. On top of all this, I want a version of all of this for light mode and a version for dark mode.

    See where I am getting at? I am creating a design system that my team can reuse for their designs. Many of the components I am trying to create are fairly complex and creating a separate…

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  9. Hi I'm a UX/UI designer based in Panamá.

    Magento is getting popular and the number of companies that want a e-commerce is growing and they are in the need of functional sites and very quickly.

    This need could be fulfilled with a prototyping plugin or XD Files with all the functions that Adobe Magento have for B2B, B2C and Marketplaces.

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  10. It appears that, in XD, the only way to create a Bezier curve with handles that have asymmetric magnitude is to press option/alt, which also means that the linearity between the lines is broken. Those of you familiar with Sketch will note that this functionality is built right into the inspector area (see attached). This feature would obviously give a lot more flexibility to the types of curves we could create without creating unwanted breaks in the smoothness of said curves.

    Interestingly, this is the exact opposite of how bezier curves work in Illustrator. In Illustrator, the handles only remain…

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  11. This is something that is possible with Non-Component items inside Repeat Grids, but not with Components currently.

    This is a greatly needed feature, especially when you're trying to create a Design System (which Adobe have been so vocal about recently). For example, in most Design Systems you will have Components such as Cards (with Image, Avatar, Title, Bio etc..), and having to edit these manually when inside of a Repeat Grid just makes the relationship with Design Systems and Repeat Grid null and void currently.

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  12. It seems silly, but that the layer that makes a mask has its icon and is automatically called "Mask" helps a lot in projects with many layers.

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  13. PROBLEM:
    Sometimes my artboard collapses out of nowhere so I have to double click the artboard name to open it back up to see the layers again. But when I do that, XD zooms me out to see the entire artboard. So I have to zoom back in to find the section I was working on again.

    If the artboard you're opening is the one that's already in view, don't perform any zooming actions. (I understand that this feature is to help you find artboards when you need to, but it doesn't help when you're already on it)

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  14. When you select items on an artboard and make a component, you can edit the default name of the component on the layers screen but it is not reflected in the Assets panel. It would seem the names only update in one direction so you have to go to the asset panel and rename the component there in order for it to inherit the name on the layers view. I think it would speed up productivity if you could just create and name the component in one place and then later find that name in assets or layers view.

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  15. One of the top features of Sketch for me are the input fields for distances between two objects (see screenshot). So you can easily adjust the distances between two selected objects

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  16. I love the new 3D transform! It's going to be great for so many projects but I would love for it to have an additional setting that is in both the Illustrator version of rotate as well as 3rd party solutions such as how Protopie does 3D rotate and that it Perspective Depth.

    Right now all of the 3D transforms are at the same perspective and while you can change the angle a bit by rotating the object after 3D transforming, it's not ideal.

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  17. In certain apps such as VS Code, you can select a specific string, then press Ctrl+D, I think, and each time you press that shortcut the selection 'expands' to include one more of the potentially multiple instances of that specific string into a highlighted, select-state. You can keep pressing until all instances are selected, it tends to expand starting with the nearest, working outwards from that point in the document, to eventually include all insances.

    Typically, then people would use the multi-cursor feature to replace the multiple selections of the same string with another string, or paste one from the…

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  18. Can we apply more than one character style to text in a text box. Many websites are text-heavy – this is a nightmare to update in design phase, when options need to be presented and text updated. "Space after" needs to change depending on text size etc. Am I missing something here?

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    I’m going to change this to adjust for the “Space after” request you have here, as it does look like you can add more than one character style to text in a text box (please see attached animated GIF). Hope that helps!

  19. A small indicator next to the component name would be great, with emphasis on components that are no longer used in a document to easily adjust of delete themz. I attached a photo of what it could look like.

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  20. To right click on the instance and select 'Reveal Component in Assets' adds extra clicks and cognitive load on user. Please add a feature to just highlight or show checkmark on the used Asset when it's instance is selected on an artboard.

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