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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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2858 results found

  1. Muse has a great function for moving objects vertically. If you select an object an arrow appears on the left which allows you to move this object and all objects below it together without selecting or grouping it.

    This would be very helpful while designing layouts.

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  2. Instead of having to create the same hotspot multiple times (back buttons, navigation menu etc) could we have a feature where you can save the hotspots you've already created and be able to reuse them across multiple screens (similar to invision's hotspot prototyping feature)

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  3. Requested by my dev team. Who knows why....

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  4. If a dash and gap lengths do not evenly go around the circumference of an object, a merged dash will occur, making it uneven. To avoid the merge or the incorrect gap on the top, XD would have to average/modify the gaps or the lengths so to automatically change values for those. I hope to see this option implemented for border strokes in the future.

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  5. Update messages s*ck. Please include something meaningful

    Please include more meaningful "Whats new" messages for XD. Current ones are just ridiculous. Every time there is an update, message is exactly the same, some generic bs like "We always improve product and add new features". It's not an app store, it is your own product where you added this feature for a reason. I think it is not that difficult and painful to use.
    Would be really nice to know what those "New features" are without having to google them or stumble upon them accidentally.

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  6. Design Specs have quickly become an integral part of our workflow. It would be incredibly helpful if there was an option on Save that would allow you to Publish a Design Spec at the same time, thereby making it so every time the designer saves, the developer can have updated Design Specs.

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  7. Upload the .xd-file as well as exporting pngs when publishing the link for the prototype or the design specs.

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  8. It would do well to all of us if we could connect our projects to an existing domain address and have it LIVE.
    I believe that this feature would be most appreciated by everyone since it allows us to be able to create a website or app the way we want and then be able to put it LIVE right away.

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  9. I would suggest to give option to twist gradient point to make more effect.

    See attached image.
    Thank you

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  10. The default link text that appears when I share a prototype doesn't look very professional, nor is it very useful for people who see multiple of these in a day.

    My suggestion is that you give us a place to put "About" data for the file, and that this is used as the OpenGraph text for link previewing in applications like Slack, Skype, etc.

    I'm attaching a photo of what my current link share looks like, and what I propose could happen with some sort of "Info" text.

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  11. I had some issues with an employee who was commenting a storm of uneducated comments on some of my published prototypes.

    The prototypes I post are mainly for handing off specs to developers and to discuss aspects of the UI with them. Other people outside this workflow are able and welcome to look at the prototypes. However, it is our expectation that people outside the Design-Dev relationship should refrain from making comments. If they do make a comment, they . should only make comments that pertain to their profession and not to propose design changes since they are not designers…

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  12. I know you can use the mouse to drag layers into and out of groups, but it would be nice if there was a keyboard shortcut to do that as well. Or if the current keystrokes for moving layers allowed you to move layers in this way.

    This has become more of an issue to me now that we can paste a layer into multiple artboards (which is awesome!). I'm still having to go in and drag my layers into the right spot after pasting. Or worse, having to cut and paste the newly-added layer into a specialized group (symbol,…

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  13. Please 'save as default' padding / spacing on the repeat grid tool & allow for numerical input for x and y axis on repeat grid, opposed to the click & drag pink areas.

    It is infuriating having to adjust and be specific to get the exact spacing I require, I need accuracy & time saving. Therefore, enter my x & y figures in a text input field in the toolbar on the right, followed by a save as default tick box or button.

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  14. "Preserve Scroll Position" is out! Works great!

    But, it would be great if we could have this control outside (and possibly as a Global/Art Board/User Selection) of each individual "link target modal"?

    Having to click the "Preserve Scroll Position" button on EVERY LINK I WANT IT TO WORK ON IS TEDIOUS AND AGGRAVATING.

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  15. Currently, you have to hit either Cmd+S or ESC to exit a text box once you've finished modifying. Deselect All (Cmd+Shift+A) doesn't do that for you the same way it does in Illustrator and InDesign. It'd be nice to have that as an option.

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  16. I work for a large ad agency. Currently we design in InDesign and export a PDF with margins to route through the agency and to and from our large, lucrative client. The margins are essential because we annotate the files. The PDF goes from department to department where stakeholders comment. The PDF is created by the art dept and lands back there and comments are addressed after it makes it's rounds.

    We would need to be able to create margins on our PDF exports to hold the anotations in order to even consider using XD. I think that one tweak…

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  17. Typekit has included a spectacular coloured font for the benefit of Photoshop & Illustrator users. (Even InDesign doesn't have it.) So are the developers going to allow XD to become one of the chosen few? Its inclusion could be part of a major overhaul of the usable fonts for this software.

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  18. When I run a user test, I like to use the generated link. During a user test, it is often useful to use the little home button at the bottom of the page. In fullscreen view, this button is unavailable. When not in fullscreen view, the artboard is represented quite small compared tt the browser window, making features less distinct. Could you either:

    1. Add the home button to the fullscreen view or
    2. Make the area for displaying the artboard in the non-fullscreen view, larger
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  19. I am working on a few projects that are nearing 100 screens, and linking them starts to become a problem.

    Here are a few things that I think might help the situation:

    1. Use the artboards order from the side panel into the dropdown menu. I don't know how the order in the dropdown is created, maybe by time of creation of the artboard, but is certainly not by name. By doing this we can at least group the artboards and find them more easily.

    2. Incorporating a search bar into the dropdown is kinda strange and confusing, so another solution for…

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  20. It would be a good way to find elements using layer panel. right-clicking element and selecting "Show in Artboard" and selected element will be shown in artboard.

    Instead of selecting layer and then pressing Cmd+3.

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