Keyboard shortcut to move layer into / out of groups
I know you can use the mouse to drag layers into and out of groups, but it would be nice if there was a keyboard shortcut to do that as well. Or if the current keystrokes for moving layers allowed you to move layers in this way.
This has become more of an issue to me now that we can paste a layer into multiple artboards (which is awesome!). I'm still having to go in and drag my layers into the right spot after pasting. Or worse, having to cut and paste the newly-added layer into a specialized group (symbol, repeat grid, etc). Using the mouse to do this is more tedious than using a key command, for me, at least.
I like how it works in Photoshop, where if you have the group collapsed and you move the layer around it doesn't put it inside the group, but if the group is expanded, moving the layer puts it inside the group.