Repeat grid properties in the property inspector (spacing, number of rows/columns)
Currently, there's no simple way to look up or adjust the spacing of an existing repeat grid element (other than grabbing and dragging the spacing area).
This is sometimes bothersome because, 1) when just trying to look it up, you don't always want to change the spacing, and 2) finding the spacing adjustment area can be a bit fiddly.
Also, when you DO want to adjust the spacing, it can be a bit tricky to get it on the exact pixel.
Therefore, it'd be nice if the spacing property would show up as an input field in the right (properties) panel. So you can easily look it up, and adjust it more exact by changing the field's value.
Ruben commented
I came here to post this exact thing, I'm more numerical when designing UI And this would be really really GREAT
Laura commented
Please add this.
Some Guy Online commented
Another missing feature :(
Edu Couchez commented
Agree... even better... let XD do the maths to calculate spacings and containers widths, as more or less we already have in layout columns.
Paul commented
Ability to manually enter spacing for repeat grid.
I often use a tablet/stylus. And when dragging to adjust repeat grid spacing, I'll get the correct number but then when raising the stylus up, the number will change slightly - due to the sensitivity of the tablet/stylus. It would be great to have the option of inputting this spacing manually so I wouldn't have to go through this trial/error process over an over. -
Ivana commented
I totaly agree with this idea. It would be great and make the work much easier.
Tim commented
Having inputs for the horizontal and vertical gutter aswell as the amount of rows and columns would be a time saver when working with design systems. Click-and-drag is great for exploring a new design, but when using a design system these values are usually given.
As a Bonus: creating a new repeating grid from a single element could use the same values as the previous grid. (Much like the transitions remember the last transition settings)
Lucas Matos commented
Can we also add a confirmation prompt when turning an layout to default? I've already click by error twice and had to redone the layout.
John commented
Such a needed Feature. Sketch has this now and includes a box where you can modify the value, both vertically and horizontally?
Ihajo commented
Create an input width & height field to the repeat grid gutter size just like the width & height of the repeat grid box has size the gutter need to have an input field, adjusting manually sometimes does not cut it for us control freaks ?
Thank you
Marshall Wells commented
It would be very useful to me if the repeat grids came with a field in the design sidebar that let you select the number of times you wanted an object repeated. Currently If I want a specific number I have to count through each item to get the right number. I think having a number selector could take this incredibly useful feature and make it even better.
Manoj Panda commented
I always wanted this feature. Giving values manually for the spacing in repeat grid will save a lot of time than adjusting it manually.
Anonymous commented
In actual production, there are 5 times, 7 times, 11 times etc. of repeat times, so it is good to be able to specify the number of repetition in advance in advance.
Microbob commented
Let users control/design specs and dimensions with text inputs.
Example uses are:
- text input for rectangle corner rounding
- text input for positioning objects relative to the nearest object
- text input for scaled resizing
- text input for the number of times the Repeat Grid repeats and object -
Wiredframe commented
Repeat Grid is awesome, but sometimes I wish I could just enter the amount of columns and rows and vertical an horizontal spacing with the keyboard.
Jake commented
For the love of goodness, this please.
Matheus Scherer commented
I'd like to simulate more precisely the layout I am designing leaving some spaces at the end of the item lists.. Now, I am forced to ungroup the repeat grid for that, losing all the capability to edit the repeat grid..
A simple box asking how many itens inside that repeat grid are allowed would do that...
David Martin commented
When a repeat grid is selected you should allow manual entry of the margin sizes in the properties panel rather than forcing us to use the mouse. If you set the margin to zero it's very hard to re-select & drag using the mouse.
AdminDani Beaumont (Admin, Adobe) commented
Aminadav -- Just checking . . . Do you know that you can control the spacing between repeat grid items by hoovering over the grid until a pink highligh shows up. From there you can drag the edge of the gap to resize it for all grid items. Just making sure -- If you did see this can you tell us what you see is still missing from this feature?
Aminadav Glickshtein commented
In the right panel, when using "repeat grid", I need the option to specify the space/gap between each element.