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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. It's just so much easier and intuitive to navigate this way

    (information lost when I edited the title: this is the behavior in After Effects)

    • Also including custom bindings to other mouse buttons
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  2. This is the very crucial thing in ui design to create consistent layouts.

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  3. Most of modern apps have some custom behaviour - for example

    In user profile, you see big profile picture, but when you scroll down to see user posts - picture gets smaller and moves to the corner.

    Would be cool to be able to treat scroll position as kind of keyframes timeline, where you can modify styles of some elements and tween them depending on how much some view is scrolled.

    Some tools have kind of similar option - - check first 30 secs.

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  4. I'd like the ability to crop a section of a prototype when recording.

    For example, if I want to record a video of clicking through a form, I don't need to show the entire layout — just the relevant section.

    This would result in a better visualization tool, as well as smaller video or gif file sizes.

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  5. I've been enjoying the XD Preview immensely, and find it super useful, with much promise. But I'm doing more and more work on the iPad Pro these days, and that's in large part due to the current crop of Adobe iOS apps.

    A full-featured version of Adobe XD for iOS, including CC sync, would be amazing.

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  6. Add unique CSS properties to object properties.
    Things like Margins, Padding and un-even borders are not common for design apps, but it would be great to define them per object in XD, honor them in the design mode, and export them as part of the object css,

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  7. It's completely annoying when I trying select area in isolation mode but instead selecting some objects in the background due to Xd exiting from isolation mode.

    Please make Isolation mode same to Ai isolation mode: double click on object to enter isolation mode, double click out of object to leave isolation mode.

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  8. I need direct selection tool to adjust groups this way:
    1. I created rectangle and placed icon inside with 10px offset from right side.
    2. Grouping rectangle with icon.
    3. Now I want to resize this group and save 10px offset, but this offset changes proportionally.

    I can easily do this in Ai using Direct Selection tool. So, add Direct Selection tool, please.

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    You can direct select elements by holding CMD when clicking on items that are part of groups. Marquee selecting anchor points is landing very soon, so that you could select parts of your rectangle. Do you expect a different behavior? Did I understand your request right? Thanks for your feedback.

  9. 59 votes

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  10. I remember, I have seen this presentation at Adobe MAX 2015. Where we can use dummy / Sample data for content such as Name, city, country etc (Please also think to add lorem ipsum dummy paragraph if possible).

    I would love to know, is there any plan to integrate that concept in near future. Its a really great functionality and time consuming important feature for us.

    Ref - Design with Data - Adobe MAX 2015 - Sneak Peeks:

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    1. I noticed that alt + scroll mouse to zoom has an inverted behavior from the existing paradigms that the rest of the creative suite (like Photoshop and Illustrator) set. For example: scrolling up zooms in within XD while it zooms out within PS/AI. The request is to make XD's scroll consistent with the paradigms the rest of the creative suite has set with mouse scroll zoom.

    2. Inconsistent and unexpected feature behavior, especially when moving between PS/AI and XD.

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  11. 1a. This is two requests for a single workflow: when creating a new file after already working out of an existing file, the new screen prompted is a blank project file without artboards. To follow suite with PS/AI, ideally – being reprompted at the welcome screen to pick a new artboard to work from would be very beneficial.

    1b. Within the welcome screen, if the user is likely creating a custom size artboard, it would also be very convenient if the user was provided the dropdown option to see recent custom sizes to choose from (the other three default options…

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    Heads up that we now support the welcome screen popping up when you press Cmd+N. I’m editing this suggestion to be about saving the most recent custom size.


    1. Ability to have a single object (or group) break out of its artboard and cross multiple artboards within a single prototype. The simplest use case is the creation of a global navigation bar that spans across multiple screens. This object's interactive elements would also work across multiple screens as well, and any edits to this object would update across the rest of the screens.

    2. Easy interaction management and editing. Also provides consistency with consistent elements within an experience.

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    1. Similar to the rest of the creative suite, the ability to click on an object (text or object) and holding down option + moving that object with arrow keys (while also holding down shift) to duplicate the object.

    2. Quickest and most painless path to duplicating objects over click + copy + paste imho.

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  12. Support for native device functions (e.g. Cordova).

    Example dropdown selection, media players, maps, etc.

    This would increase the demo's effectiveness and allow for a more real-world prototype.

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  13. 8,057 votes

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  14. Option to link objects (or generate smart objects) when pasted from a PSD or AI source to maintain a reference.

    This would provide a simple method for single or multiple object updates (beyond the CC Design Libraries integration)—saving time and ensuring all objects are the most current.

    Example: Revision to a microphone icon via Illustrator, which is used across 20 artboards

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  15. Transparent PNGs do not allow color edits. Editing fills will extend to the rectangular bounds, not just the object

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