Alt + scroll mouse wheel zoom is opposite of PS/AI/etc...
I noticed that alt + scroll mouse to zoom has an inverted behavior from the existing paradigms that the rest of the creative suite (like Photoshop and Illustrator) set. For example: scrolling up zooms in within XD while it zooms out within PS/AI. The request is to make XD's scroll consistent with the paradigms the rest of the creative suite has set with mouse scroll zoom.
Inconsistent and unexpected feature behavior, especially when moving between PS/AI and XD.
Janico commented
Please allow the option to invert the scroll direction for zooming in or out to match those of Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop, and almost all other Adobe tools for that matter. This idea spans across Design mode, Prototype mode and Share mode because it is a general user interaction suggestion. The option to invert the zoom direction will respect users who like the current configuration and solely use XD, but for designers like me who use Illustrator as well as Photoshop and After Effects etc alongside XD it is immensely frustrating to have to suddenly zoom in a different direction for just one application.
Janico commented
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add this feature! Scrolling should be the same on all applications and you should AT LEAST have the option to invert scrolling direction for those used to the current setup.
Merijn van leeuwen commented
Please make zoom behaviour consistent between all programs or give each application preferences where this could be changed
Gerrit commented
This is still the most frustrating thing I’ve ever experienced in any software so far. The worst user experience from a software, that you use to create user experiences. To me it feels like I’m walking forward all the time, but when I go into the kitchen I’m walking backwards. I’d love to use Adobe Creative Cloud, especially because I’m paying 60€ per month for it, but until this issue is fixed I’m taking my chances with Figma. I’ve complained about this issue in 2019 and back then it stopped me from moving towards web design. Adobe, I hope you’re seeing that this single unresolved issue is driving customers like me, who are transitioning from InDesign, away from you. I usually don’t write comments like these, but this is driving me crazy and I just spent my Saturday to work around this issue without success.
Joost van Grinsven commented
Why works the 'alt-scroll/swipe' zoom opposite to all other apps?
alt-swipe-down zooms out. It's counter-intuitive and doesn't make any sense. -
Rasmus Brøndsted commented
Come on Adobe. This should be super easy to fix. It's the main reason I don't use XD! This makes XD virtually useless. I'm forced to design my websites in AI or ID. Please fix this, pretty please with sugar on top!
botawataman commented
It is unbelievable. Using Premeire the Alt and the wheel down the timeline expands, Photoshop and Illustrator the wheel up to expand. Consistency should have been established long ago especially for a top notch,, expensive, integrated graphic software package. Any way to go into preferences of Premeire and reverse?
Rene Fatjo commented
This is common sense.
Just create a preference option.
Scroll wheel same as CS CHECKED.
For sketch users UNCHEKED.
Done. -
Bart Komorowski commented
It's just a critically needed option!
Huib commented
For me the possibility to change the zoom scroll (cmd + scroll on magic mouse) direction would be great. I use the 'unnatural' option for scrolling with the magic mouse, but for zooming I would like to use the 'natural' way. If you could reverse that in XD in the preferences, then I could scroll and zoom like I'm used to in Sketch.
Now I always zoom the wrong way first when zooming with cmd + scroll.
Ini commented
This NEEDS to be sorted, what's the justification for the having opposite gestures in sister design softwares???
Joe commented
As a long time user coming over from Sketch or using Sketch and XD simultaneously I find it cumbersome that the behavior for zooming in/out of the canvas via ALT/Option + Mousewheel is different (opposite) from each other.
It would be great to be able to set a preference in XD to override the default ALT/Option + Mousewheel. I would like to reverse things so that mousewheeling up pushes the canvas away and mousewheeling down pulls the canvas toward me.
Michael Tsimnadis commented
Has this been addressed yet in some way?
Rob commented
So I decided to stop using Sketch because the Alt+Scroll which I use all the time across many apps is reversed, opposite to every other piece of design/photo/video software I use. It drives me nuts when working with Sketch and PS/Ai together. So I install XD in the hope of alleviating my frustration - and much to my amazement - XD is also opposite to PS/Ai.
I understand Adobe wanting to make the transition from Sketch to XD as barrier-free as possible (let's not forget this is about money more than just creating perfect software), but it's really quite common for XD users to be PS and AI users too so the addition of an option to change zoom direction seems the way to go here. But then you will have to build a 'Preferences' interface as XD doesn't even have that.
@ Corey - This is proof that Apple doesn't always get things right and just simply following suit isn't the best option. Apple's 'natural' scroll is perfect for up/down scroll (scroll up - document moves up, scroll down - document moves down). So 'natural' zoom would be (scroll away - document moves away, scroll in - document moves in).
@Michael - No it hasn't been addressed yet and unfortunately I guess only 4 comments per year isn't going to motivate anybody to want to address it.
UPDATE: It looks like there is a Sketch Plugin that allows scroll direction reversal so switching back to Sketch is looking good right now.
Mike L commented
100% agreed. UX/UI across the entire CC suite needs be consistent.
David commented
This is strange. Just let the user set "reverse scroll" and "reverse zoom"
bananas commented
@Elaine, scrolling correctly adheres to the Scroll Direction, but zooming with Cmd + scroll does not. Scrolling towards the laptop screen ("up") always zooms in and scrolling away from the laptop screen ("down") always zooms out, irrespective of Scroll Direction. Can you please fix this?
Anonymous commented
It is beyond me how Adobe can't even add this extremely simple and basic feature.
Anonymous commented
I like the way I scroll now. I don't want to have to change the way I scroll for web pages, so that it's consistent with Adobe XD.
This feature should be inline with all other adobe products that have zooming capability. If it's that important to have it different, there should be an explicit setting for it.
What may be "intuitive" or "natural" for one is not necessarily the same for others.
Cyrill Studer commented
I see your point in reflecting the direction of macOS. But personally, I find it wrong and don't see how this possibly can be called natural. Imagine you have a piece of paper in front of you and you drag it towards yourself. As a matter of fact, its the appearance becomes bigger. That's natural if you ask me.
So either:
- Add an option to reverse/customize it.
- reverse it completely
- Or better: Gather all Adobe UI designers from all products and find a solution that is consistent throughout the whole ecosystem (if you can call it that).