Bind the hand tool to the middle mouse button (another)
It's just so much easier and intuitive to navigate this way
(information lost when I edited the title: this is the behavior in After Effects)
- Also including custom bindings to other mouse buttons
Kieran Kelly commented
Figma has this feature, now I'm XD I've had to revert to using the space bar to Navigate
Nobuhiro matsuda commented
Make sure you can use the hand tools with the Mac mouse center button.
like the windows version. -
Anonymous commented
It is not fair to Mac users, I can use the middle click as hand tool very well but Mac, I don't understand why? Is it Microsoft who paid you more?
Another feature that is really important is paragraph handling, it is also voiced out for many years!!
Onion_baker commented
Please add, literally my #1 most needed feature.
Jasen Bredenkamp commented
Please add a feature to drag the screen in any direction by holding the scroll wheel and moving the mouse around.
Ctrl drag could also work. Any method of dragging the screen.
Theunis commented
I can't believe that after nearly 5 years this feature still has not been implemented.
Preet Ghelani commented
-It would be really great to have a feature to pan around with the additional buttons that some mice have (gaming mice for example).
-It's much easier to just use the thumb to press the buttons on the side of the mouse while the rest of the fingers and overall grip remain the same
than having to move the index or middle finger to hold down the hard middle buttons that accidentally scroll a bit every time they are pressed .... it's just super awkward and inconvenient
- Figma has this feature (for your reference to exactly what i'm talking about)
It would be great if XD takes this into consideration, Thanks !
Anonymous commented
Middle click in windows works very well. Would love the same functionality in Mac as well please !
Gary Barnes commented
Definitely would prefer this. Scroller is a nightmare. Just because Adobe got it wrong first time, then repeated it in all their products is no justification for not putting it right.
Marshall Wells commented
On Windows clicking the third button (scroll wheel) and dragging with would pan the dartboard the same way as holding down spacebar and clicking and dragging. However, using just the middle mouse button is definitely faster and more efficient. Could that shortcut be added, or at least a way to customize shortcuts in XD on the Mac be added?
Rodrigo Foggiato commented
I doesn't need to be consistent, I needs to be better and on par with its competitors features. I agree that it would be much better and intuitive than having to press and hold something than press another thing to do just on action.
Remember Adobe devs, this product is mainly aiming to a market that has a lot of great products already. Even the free version o Figma is on par with what XD, and better in some aspects.
As a Product and UX/UI Designer myself, thats the least I would expect from Adobe.
Capt. Proton commented
Space + Left Mouse Button does the same thing and is consistent with other Adobe products.