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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. If I have a component "checkbox", and a state of that component named "checkbox_active", when exporting the asset, both will be named checkbox.svg, then I have to rename it manually.

    My idea is to name the svg accordingly with the state name or putting an underscore between names.

    Ex: component-name_state-name

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  2. When I export assets from xd, it generally takes more space. And I can't directly import files from xd to photoshop, so first I have to import into illustrator and then to photoshop and then I can use save for web to optimize my assets.
    So please incorporate a feature so that I can directly export assets from xd with compression.

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  3. Exporting vector graphic shouldn't transform translate at all!
    When exporting e.g. icon why there is "data-name" and transform="translate"? Svg's are very often animated, or changed on hover. Sometimes element inside might be moving and translate is perfect for moving path where you cant change x and y. I understand maybe its faster for adobe xd to calculate translate when moving element but at least on export paths should be recalculated to have NONE of translate's. I'm not even sure if we can call it a feature, its more like bug that produces totally unnecessary attributes. When exporting, file should be…

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  4. Add the ability to control the entire document export of assets and/or instead of defaulting to "mark for export" leave the checkbox empty.

    Please STOP making decisions for us and let us choose how we want to use XD (The same goes for saving everything in the cloud by default).

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  5. Looking to implement a design system organization-wide. It would be nice to be able to access assets created in XD in other Adobe applications (InDesign). For example, incorporating into an InDesign Library, all the assets from the "master" XD design system (buttons, logos, sliders, etc.)

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  6. I routinely want to export some assets as SVGs and others as PNGs, still others as JPGs. The current Batch Export shoots out all marked assets in one format, but I'd like to be able to specify "format groups" somehow, so that one Batch Export command would export the marked assets in the specific format I need.

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  7. Since iOS filenaming convention doesn't allow "_" and Android Asset naming convention doesn't all "-" can the asset names be renamed internally when we choose either iOS or Android Platform?

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  8. It would be nice if there is a slug area just as indesign where you can add aditional information and export it for our clients or developing team.

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  9. Now code of exporting SVG files starts like this:
    <svg xmlns="" width="32." height="32" viewBox="0 0 32.000 32.000">...

    Please add line "<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>" befor <svg xmlns=...>
    Because lack of this string made issue with embedding SVG in content

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  10. Hi, one of programmers at my work had a problem with clip path ID in SVG files that was exported from XD because each of them didn't have unique clip path ID. Whereas exporting from Illustrator had an option of giving clip path ID a unique ID. Can it be also implemented in XD?

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  11. Xd is perfect to design experiences and interfaces. But as UX designer i also need to work with Axure.

    I realy need a plugin that would allow to exports my designs to Axure so i could build prototypes easily.

    Thank you

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  12. When you clean up the components. In case a component is inside a hover state for example and I check highlight on canvas it won't show it and you might accidentally delete it.

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  13. I work with developers, and we found a little problem during the export of assets for android : The folder where are exported the assets are named "drawable-hdpi" … or now, I don't know exactly from when, the folder to make an app is called "mipmap-hdi" …

    It depends on actually of some projects (sometimes you can still use drawable and sometimes not), but it will be a good idea to add a function to choose the name of folders :)

    Can you fix it for another update? Thank you!

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  14. When working on a project with a whole lot of Artboards, its nice to have an option to Add a Prefix to the Artboard Name when Exporting.

    This will reduce the Name of the Artboard while working, this you you don't see repetitions in the Sidebar too. You will also be able to fit more of the title, when you are linking in Prototype mode.


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  15. Please allow for images to be exported in "WEBP" formats.

    Sketch caters for "WEBP" formats (see attached image) and it would be great if XD was able to (both read and) export to this format too.

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  16. I would love to be able to use auto-animated elements in my Premier Pro videos. It's much simpler than animating in premier and it could be so quick.

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  17. Provide accessibility to export style guides so that it can be used by developers to design it.
    For Ex: If a project contains 10 variations of text and a color palette, allowing to export those values would be of great help to develop the designs made.

    I am attaching a sample image for the idea I am trying to project.

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  18. copy to microsoft powerpoint and word as an image to make a presentation

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  19. It would be nice to have a simple option to see all elements/assets which are markded for export. Sometimes you mark an element by mistake (for example a simple rectangle). Later it could be hard to find this special element on your artboard layers to remove the export marker.

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  20. We seriously need to be able to convert our designs into code, just like sketch and invision can both do. This is the only thing holding people back from joining xd.

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    Hi, all-

    “Convert to code” is fairly ambiguous, and I’m looking for more specifics as to what you’re hoping to get out of this. We already have a number of stories that go to specific technologies: HTML/CSS, XCode, Android Studio, etc. I’d like to close this one out in the interest of having more specific export paths.
