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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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1367 results found

  1. Ability to change a Character Style's color by dragging a color from the Color Assets on to a Character Style.

    To change a color of a character style in the in the Character Styles window is too tedious. It also requires the user to re-enter the color values using its color-picker.

    Make it possible to drag a color from the Colors Assets window on to the Character Style.
    Also, make it also possible to drag-n-drop a color from the Appearance color-picker's local library onto the Character Style.

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  2. Not sure if this is a bug or working as intended, but you can't align an element to a locked element. You have to unlock the element first, then do your alignment, then re-lock that element. Which is kind of annoying.

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  3. Display in image assets option the used file. In addition, display is it a link or embedded.

    This would also be a good location for the feature request:
    Reload asset images automatically's manual reload button.

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  4. 8 votes

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  5. The current Artboard grid does not allow for offsetting. This means if you wish the grid to start at a particular x-offset or y-offset you are out of luck.

    e.g. if you are designing UI for the iPhone 7 at 375pt width, and you wish to use an 8pt grid, 375 does not divide neatly into 8 and therefore you may wish to add a left margin of 4pt and a right margin of 3pt. Also, you may decide that you wish your 8 pt grid to align vertically to the text in the status bar, so wish to offset…

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  6. As a Designer I want to create more complex shapes quickly. To align vectors in a vector shape I want to apply alignment or distribution to selected set of vectors or a singe vector to quickly create correct and precise shapes.

    In short - provide the alignment / distribution also for single or a selection of vectors.

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  7. In repeating grids, it would be great if there was a way to adjust the position (x,y) of objects adjacent to text boxes based on the width and height of their content.

    For example, designing a comments UI, it would be nice to have multiline text that varies from 1-5 lines that would push the elements below it to match the margins set in the original instance. So if you have a "reply" link below the multiline text it would move +y to match the intended layout.

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  8. This is a simple yet time saving feature. If you create a new shape holding down the shift-key the little "Lock Aspect" lock-icon should be locked.

    Because in most of the time Users create shapes with shift to resize the width and hight at the sam time.

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  9. 8 votes

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  10. When I design for the web, it's crucial to be able to see the fonts exactly as they will display on a web browser. I use Typecasto for this and I would love to be able to see this integrated in XD.

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  11. I love the way we can add space between items of a repeat grid. I'd like to see this feature also for items with different sizes. For instance a navigation bar, where every item has a different width. There it would be very nice to be able to "drag" the space between the items to in- or decrease the gap/padding. See the picture attached!

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    1. It would be great to see smart guides appear for elements outside of a repeat grid sometimes. In the example attached, the purple boxes are in a Repeat Grid, and I may want to line up the orange box (outside of the Repeat Grid) with one of the boxes within the Repeat Grid.

    2. Because I'm utilizing Repeat Grid for some basic things like avatars, but might have a standalone element (like type) aligned with a specific part of the Repeat Grid... and having the guides + snap to guide would help a lot!

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  12. This is the very crucial thing in ui design to create consistent layouts.

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  13. Since the new update you have this super unnecesary complicated hotkey for "saving locally" but no hotkey for quicksaving your file locally.

    Probably the best option would be to have this in Xd settings to change your default space for saving like in Illustrator.

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  14. chat or voice call is required inside XD, if multiple designers are working in single XD file.

    right now, we are 3 designers are working in a single xd file.. it's for a hackathone and for discussing we are using other tools. it will be great if you can add a chat feature to co designer or voice support. Since all are working from home :)

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  15. Is it possible to export icon as .ico format? I wanted to save save icon for "favicon"

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  16. I don't ever want to group a shape object with text, wire basic hover/selected states and call it a button; a library of basic UI components like buttons, menus, text/password fields, drop-downs, v/h scroll areas, etc need to come standard in Xd!

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  17. Component instances on hidden layers are not highlighting on canvas.

    Hitt the "Show layer" icon, then switch back to the asset panel, the "highlight component on canvas" feature finds 0 results. only highlighted component is visible on the canvas.

    I might accidentally delete instances from hidden layers...

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  18. There are only few options in multiple or hover states. My request to add Shadows or other blending option in this multiple state. Thanks in Advance, keep the good work going :)

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  19. Hey guys,

    I would really like to be able to actually rotate the line without dragging its' anchors around. This causes the line to change its width and height in properties panel, plus the rotation origin is at the beginning/end of the line and not center. There is walk around it -> with property panel tool one can type the exact rotation number, but... i dont feel like to leave my artboard while designing for such minimal changes... one can rotate objects, groups, texts, components on a fly... why not the line?

    Thank you!

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