Prewired component library (preset)
I don't ever want to group a shape object with text, wire basic hover/selected states and call it a button; a library of basic UI components like buttons, menus, text/password fields, drop-downs, v/h scroll areas, etc need to come standard in Xd!
Joey commented
It would be cool to see microinteractions prepared for designers getting started with Adobe XD. There are obviously many different ways to prepare microinteractions in Adobe XD but I think having a set of them ready for the user when they open XD would save a lot of time and effort. Some ideas would include swipe up or side gestures (both directions), component states for liking and unliking (so the user doesn't have create from scratch), menu overlays, etc.
Jeswin Sasindran commented
It would be great to have a more cool animation type and adding element tools as have.
For instance, regarding tools, if you want to add an element you can go to the "add element" option and pick some ready-made animated elements/layout from there and has the possibility to edit it.
In animation, there are a number of animations used where you can experiment with different animation styles like parallaxes, flip-in, and so on
Andrew Hart commented
I have quite enjoyed exploring all the possibilities using states and prototype triggers, but it seems bizarre to me that I have to experiment and build my own components to achieve functionality such as ... for example
a. Implementing radio buttons where only 1 can be selected
b. Dropdown fields
c. Implementing enabling of a button when a form field is filledI imagine that beginners would find it useful to have even simple to implement pre-packaged components such as form field containing an in field prompt that disappears when you click on the field and a hover over action available
Anonymous commented
Sarebbe molto utile avere una libreria di componenti già pronti solo da personalizzare, in particolare penso a dropdown, bottoni, input text, ecc ecc.
Doug commented
Just as component states have made prototyping faster and more efficient, there need to be stylable components for form elements that are "live". I want to just drop in a dropdown menu and add the options. Then be able to connect a selected option to a dropdown without custom making them.