Option to keep share links after filename is changed/ save as in XD
Apparently some people want to automatically delete the already created links each time they save their file as a new one.
But this is not the case for everyone!
I need to keep my link history even if I saves as a new file.
(I don't get how people can not just create new links)
This was a very important good point of XD for my team, clients and I, and now I have to explain to everyone that I will have to share a new link, or simply keep the same file even if I have big change on it.
I'm sooo not happy about your decision.
Give us the choice please!!
Patty B. commented
Please at least warn people when they choose "Save as" that this will happen. This created a huge problem for me. Now I have to go do a bunch of work moving my old comments to my new link.
Nadine Gin commented
If I create a file and share it with a link I am able to update the link.
If I move the file to f.e. OneDrive the already shared link disapears in the file. I can see the link in my overview but I have no possibily to reconnect the link to the file which is difficult for me if I already shared that link to people. -
Aleksey commented
Need an ability to publish file to an existing link (for renamed or even replaced file)
EssZett commented
PLEASE add the ability to use the original link, as well if using "save as".
Annoying workaround: if I want save XD-file under a new name I make a copy in Explorer and rename it there. Then the links are kept. I NEVER use "save as".
Donovan commented
Still waiting on a fix to this, it's absolutely mind-boggling that it hasn't been addressed. It's such a major block to workflow, having to create a new link every time we to send to the client instead of just updating the current link (like how XD previously used the Save option) is ridiculous. Newsflash Adobe, not everyone wants to be forced to saving to the cloud.
Matthew commented
Any Update on this? It's a daily problem for me and disruption to my workflow.
lindsey commented
yes, i am in agreement with everyone here. I have sent out a document to many, many people and the link was shared in a newsletter. now i need to add a small edit to the document, but i have to make a new link. there is no way that everyone who received the original link will be aware of the new link!! this makes editing virtually impossible if the original document was shared widely and with no uniform way of resending the new link. Please please please change this ASAP. I need to make an edit to my document and retain the original link!!!!
Matthew commented
I'm right with you I posted the below response to the Request that got this changed. "Share Again – don’t copy URL on Saved-As"
Elaine, this change is Bad. It's now more like a "save as new" not a traditional Adobe "save as". I place the shareable URL as an asset or resource inside what makes up an XD file.
Fundamentally "save as" is a complete duplicate of the file at that point in time, in every way with a change in the file name. Leaving all the work you just have finished safely in the original file. Giving optimization of file size, document cleanliness reducing layer and groping management, and versioning.
The option to create a new URL "Found in the share view" is plenty appropriate to split from an old URL with a new URL. The use cases of "I forgot to.." or "Bad file management" is not good enough in my eyes to change the "save as" function.
Now a little about why this is so destructive to workflows involving multiple teams in small, medium and large companies. Stakeholders, Product, front and back end engineering to QA, all need to be aligned with a few core pieces of any project. Requirements and what it should look and work like. You better believe the ability to have a single point of UI/UX truth becomes key to all staying on the same page as the project moves from start to finish.
The life span of a project can be short or very long. Evolving across departments leaving behind our sharable XD URL in requirements, Applications, and Notes. From Executives to Managers and other note-takers on a project the last thing they want to do is manage the UX/UI or Designers constantly changing URLs.
People naturally pass that sharable XD URL in all sorts of ways `slack, email, spreadsheets'' with the expectation they will not need another link until told explicitly otherwise… This lightens the load on my department to update in all locations that we may or may not have access too.
This has been key to the department's buying into, using and referencing the Adobe XD URL. The phrase “I have pushed the changes to the URL” has become super powerful and means the same thing to every department.
In true design fashion, I keep a complete archive of the project and process in XD files. The ability to start the one URL from beginning to end has been powerful in optimizing workflow through the life of the project.
If a file is the whole project or just a small piece of one, the decision is mine when I need another shareable URL and not stunted by "save as". I should be able to document my XD files my way without having to create a new URL for every file I save, till I create a new file.
Alternatively can we not give the option to reset the shareable URL during the action of Save as with the "never show again" option if this is critical to product functionality?
Thank you for your consideration, Please change this.
Matt -
Aron Schmid commented
Please give us choice and till then return to the old way of handling links.Make people use a certain workflow and then taking it away from them withouth asking is a no-go, I think.
Mike M commented
I agree, give us the choice to keep links. Our team routinely makes backups and changes file names outside of the program. Those links should remain intact, and we should be able to manage the links by ourselves. There are times where we want to update the same prototype link, or share a new link but be able to go back to the previous link. For example - I want to share updates with internal team before sharing with client, but do it within one file.
Michał commented
Both in the free and premium version, when I save the file under the name version_1 as version_2 Adobe Xd does not allow me to share the project at the same link as in version_1. In version_2 then it is only possible to generate a new link.
Phil commented
Phil commented
The "preference" panel is completely unused (at least on Mac version).
What an opportunity to give us a:□ Delete link history when save as new file.
That would be perfect for everyone.
Thank you! -
Phil commented
Apparently some people wants to automatically delete the already created links each time they save their file as a new one.
But this is not the case for everyone!
I need to keep my link history even if I saves as a new file.
(I don't get how people can not just create new links)This was a very important good point of XD for my team, clients and I, and now I have to explain to everyone that I will have to share a new link, or simply keep the same file even if I have big change on it.
I'm sooo not happy about your decision.
Give us the choice please!!