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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. Integrating with app on Mac would really speed up the process flow of applying icon sets into the app design.

    I'm currently hopping from the noun project app, to Adobe Illustrator before copying across to XD. It would be good to miss out the middle man and just drag straight to XD.


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    You can already get full-quality vector icons from the Noun Project desktop app directly into XD via copy-paste.

    However, if you drag & drop from the Noun Project app into XD, you get a bitmap instead of a vector, which is not ideal.

    So XD has partial integration already — I’ll leave this request open to cover the remaining missing piece of better drag/drop behavior.

  2. Anybody working in this field knows the "" web service. service is an essential tool for automatic User assets generation.
    AdobeXD should integrate it. It is has simple API, and it is free.
    This would make out lives much easier. Manually creating users profiles every time is something that can make a designer cry...

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  3. If i create an artboard in photoshop, illustrator, etc i should be able to import those artboards into XD without having to access the original file to make edits such as text changes, images swaps, vector shape edits...

    also, i should be able to use animations from flash/after effects to bring in loading screens, sliders, reveals, popups, etc that work within XD (and iphone)

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  4. It would be helpful and useful for us game designers to have Adobe XD integrate seamlessly with Unity.

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  5. Option to get semi-random images in grids using adobe stock images. I would type some keywords like "nature" and "hiking" and it would automatically fill other grid elements with similar photos.

    Maybe it could be done for single images too like this:

    1. select shape
    2. click insert image (in appearance)
    3. choose source (adobe stock)
    4. type keywords
    5. select image

    and if it's grid it selects similar images.

    It could speed up design process when you need to quickly get dozen of related photos.

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  6. We have many non-design stakeholders who need to provide input into designs and workflows. Oftentimes the easiest way to communicate with them is through a simple presentation.

    It would be great if we could export our workflows/canvases into a PPT slide deck that we could annotate - with the interactions and linkages (mostly) auto-annotated in the slide's speaker notes and with the slide order (basically) being the top-down user flow.

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  7. I would like Adobe XD to be able to export/sync to InVision to support "Motion".

    "Motion" is a closed beta at Invision that supports micro animations/interactions – similar functionality to what thirdparty apps/services like Atomic, Marvel and Flinto has to offer.

    By enabling Adobe XD to export its assets to Invision in such a way that "Motion" inside InVision can be applied to the XD wireframes/prototypes/designs inside InVision.

    Preferably XD export to InVision should support sync, perhaps via Dropbox.

    PS. For the long run XD could add "Motion" functionality inside XD and thus reverse sync the motions from Invision "Motion"…

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  8. While a love Adobe products and am super excited to see XD and how it integrates with all the other programs I use on a daily basis, I have built a rather large custom library of components in Axure and would like to convert them over or use them in XD so I can start using it as a primary tool.

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  9. Could be the most amazing tool for apps designers. How? Create a HTML, CSS and JavaScript code integration through widgets like Adobe Muse.

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  10. Integration of XD with AEM will be very convenient to prototype and bring the application to life at the same place.

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  11. Support for .oam would mean that tricky interactive elements and animations could be built with other tools including InDesign, Edge Animate or Tumult's Hype.

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  12. It would be great to have the possibility of integrate Comet's design files into a Bridge-Based workflow.

    Support for XMP metadata, possibility to see/use the color swatches used into a document, quick thumbnails preview (Like ID files), keywording, etc...

    Unfortunately many apps made by adobe over the time use files that does not integrates into Bridge workflow, like Muse, Edge Reflow, Edge Animate, other...


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  13. It would be great to simply import psd files into XD through either 'file // import PSD', or, in photoshop, 'file // export to XD', without having to rework the files.

    An example for this would be a user that is designing an app in photoshop and has around 15 artboards. It would be great if the user could simply import each artboard into XD to create a wireframe to show a client / colleague, whilst also continue to make amends to the artboards in photoshop.

    This could involve having some kind of Dynamic link between Photoshop and XD, so…

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  14. It is very easy to navigate the Xd interface with a magic mouse or touch pad however when I am working with my Wacom (which is often) I loose some of the functionality such as zooming and being able to move around the interface with a 'hand' tool option 'H' like in Illustrator and Photoshop. If one of the artboard falls off the screen/interface, I am unable to simply drag the view to accomodate the artboard. If I am using the Wacom I have to go to the magnification setting in the upper left hand of the interface which is…

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  15. support for Google Maps

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  16. OS X's Quick Look doesn't work, I can't look content

    (macOS Finder spacebar / space shortcut)

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  17. A lot of us have been using Fireworks for creating web/app layouts. If we could import those layered png's into XD it would really help to smooth the transition.

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  18. Would like XD to work with InDesign in much the same manner that AI and PSD files do. This might be more of a feature request for InDesign however I imagine they both play a role in working together.

    Ultimately, in order for a design to be implemented correctly, we need to provide a detailed UI specification for engineering. This specification is often worked on by interaction and visual designers which is part of what makes InDesign an ideal solution for us.

    The prototyping functionality is great for communicating how a design could work, but we still need an accompanying…

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