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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. I love the new adjust line height trick. Thank you. Clicking the red target now resizes to fit the font. Awesome. Curious why we wouldn't want to consider line height in this adjustment?

    If a developer needs to know the white space between H1 and an p style. The H1 line height is a declaration and affects the next selector.

    Perhaps it's a shift click and it recognizes the font size and line height?

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  2. Have the possibility to "Reset to Main State" all the instances of one component present in the document in one click.

    I'm working on a file with 60+ artboards, with lots of components and subcomponents. Sometimes the instances of my components don't update automatically when I edit the main state, so I have to do it manually for each one of them.

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  3. Need to set language to the text field to use font localization and correct glyphs!!!

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  4. Currently (v30) when an image is dropped into an artboard or placed in a shape it will name the layer with the image file name. It does not change the layer name if that image is replaced.

    It would be helpful to have an option to enable the layer to be automatically renamed to the new filename instead of just inheriting the current layer name.

    I know there are issues (mostly related to auto-animate) but would be handy as a toggle or check either in preferences (what preferences right?) or as a modal check option on drop.

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  5. I would love to right-click on a spot and go to a layers-list and see all layers underneath my cursor so I can "dig deep" and even select locked layers by simply right-clicking on them, go to "layers" and then see a hierarchy of everything (even locked items) and select the one I want and change it/remove it. See screenshot for further explanation (As in Sketch and Figma).

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  6. A small indicator next to the component name would be great, with emphasis on components that are no longer used in a document to easily adjust of delete themz. I attached a photo of what it could look like.

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  7. If a component is shared across all artboards (e.g. a navigation or toolbar), it would be helpful to be able to paste it on all (or multiple) artboards in one go. It would save a lot of time, compared to having to paste it manually every time

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  8. Select All Objects Down/Up

    Similar to how A [select all to right] works in Premiere, this feature would select all objects within the active artboard below or above where the user clicks. This would save time usually spent zooming out and drawing a marquee around the desired objects to readjust spacing, etc.

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  9. Allow users to assign markdown shortcuts to particular character styles, so that the style are automatically applied to that line of text.

    This would allow for much faster formatting of longer content like blog posts.

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  10. For small projects, it makes sense to add hover to components only, but for larger ones, you want to keep your assets clean with reusable components only.

    Now when hover can be added to components only, a number of my "components" has raised significantly. This causes huge performance issues as well as organizational. (workaround is not to add hover, but what would be the point of the feature?)

    I guess there is more than one solution to this problem, my suggestion is in the heading - give us the option to add states to groups.

    Another thing that could help…

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  11. I think it'd be nice to have the option of being able to set border radiuses for artboards.

    This way, if I want to export an artboard that should have rounded corners, I won't have to duplicate the contents of the artboard to a rectangle (with rounded corners) before exporting.

    See the attached image for a visual explanation. Such designs can't be exported straight from an Xd artboard at this point.

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  12. It would be great to have a shortcut to jump between text inputs, including within repeat grids.

    For example, tab to move to next text box.

    Example image shows why this is necessary, I have a lot of similar pages that require typing in a lot of different text boxes.

    Thank you

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  13. In order to work quickly and efficiently, I want to be able to insert components via keyboard shortcut.

    This is made possible in Sketch thanks to its Runner plugin:

    You can see it in action in this quick video:

    How it works:

    1. Use the keyboard shortcut Command-' to pull up the Runner menu.
    2. Type "insert [name of component]" to filter the components library.
    3. Hit Enter to paste the component onto the artboard.

    All without needing to navigate and click with the mouse!

    Having something similar to to this XD would be a considerable improvement to my workflow.

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  14. Components Color Label or Tag,
    having too much or a lot of components can be troublesome, it would be great if we can label or tag it with color. Something like Ai and Ps have.

    This is valuable to the community to keep their libraries or components organized and easier to look for.

    I think this update should be easy to be implemented and give somewhat considerate impact

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  15. Just something minor, but would be quicker if we don’t have to right click to edit the character styles, but just could double klick to change the settings of the style.

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  16. When working and scaling images in XD, I would like to see the native resolution somewhere - and maybe even a button to quickly revert to the original size. This would help a a lot to see if the size of an image is sufficient to be exported at @2x etc. I attached a scribble.

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  17. Love that we now have guides (nicely implemented, btw!)

    Would love to be able to measure to the guides the same way we measure to objects. In Windows 10 that means selecting an object and holding down the 'ALT' key. Just an idea for a future improvement.

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  18. When I search for an item, say object A, and there is an object A on several artboards, I want to be able to select them all by shift+selecting the object A's that come up when I search for object A in the layers panel. It would be very helpful if I wanted to change the color or move/size them using the X/Y H/W in the inspector relative to their respective artboard.

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  19. Typesetting

    I hope that the next version can see the "Full Justification" and "first line indent" settings in the text.


    希望下一个版本可以看到文本中有 “两端对齐” 与“首行缩进”设置功能

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  20. With the artboard selected, hit CMD + R (or similar) to be able to rename the artboard, without needing to double click into the title.

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