Copying / Pasting Text from Illustrator
I tried copying and pasting a text box from illustrator to Adobe XD and two things happened.
1 - The font weight changed and
2 - Paragraphs were broken up into separate lines.
When I pasted a whole wireframe page from illustrator, all my bold text turned into regular and I had to select each line one by one to change it back to bold.
The other option was to outline the text before I copied / pasted it but then I couldn't edit it in Adobe XD.
It would be great if the text copied from illustrator matched / transferred over perfectly to save time / prevent more reformatting.
Thanks! :)
Improvements to make multiple lines of text come in together during import will be in our July update.
Armando Scuro commented
While it works most of the time, sometimes i copy from illustrator but when i paste to XD it will paste the last thing i copied from XD itself. Do note that if i went to illustrator back and pasted, it will paste what it copied from illustrator. I know this is an Adobe XD issue because I encounter the same issues sometimes trying to copy from web
Cody King commented
It says feature complete but it still doesnt work
AdminMihnea Ovidenie (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi Michael,
I am interested to learn more about your problem - the text that goes from caps to lower case. Would it be possible to privately share your ai file that reproduces the problem with me so that i can take a further look?
M. -
I'm also seeing something similar that I would assume be related to this problem. When I copy / paste text from AI to XD, some of the text goes from caps to lower case.
Alex commented
I've tried Copy and Pasting formatted text from various places including AI... As soon as i copy it in XD, it loses ALL formatting.
When can we expect this feature to be live? It is crucial to have content in websites and apps.