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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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627 results found

  1. Adobe Exchange should enable for Adobe XD, so that other developer can develop extensions and allow us to install. Like we have. this option for other CC products like, Photoshop, illustrator, InDesign and others.

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  2. Basically, just a warning would be fine, when a design trying to open a file that's already opened, just let them know, and eventually let they know who they are would be nice too.

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    1. Please let me use beta version before full version.
    2. Feature update of the full version is too late. Monthly updates are relatively quick compared to other programs, but in the prototype implementation, important menu fixes and keyboard slides are only shown in the seminar, and the updates are actually too late. We expected these features to be updated in the May update. But the actual updates are very disappointing. So I want you to use the beta version before the full version comes out. From -xd-savvy users -
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  3. The current position of the 'duration since a comment was written' has confused a few people, due to it's proximity to the 'Reply' link. I've attached a screenshot - see the second comment.

    Upon initial glance, it appears that the time since the comment was created actually refers to the reply, rather than the original comment. The line reads "1 reply 3 days ago". In this case, '3 days ago' refers to the time since the initial comment, and is unrelated to the reply action.

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    We’ve adjusted the way we present comments in the past year. Now, the comment is in the upper right corner of the comment, while the reply button is in the lower left hand corner. Please feel free to file another ticket if you feel like additional improvements need to be made!

  4. Templates for single paging Landing websites for various digital marketing campaigns

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  5. To comment on a shared prototype link currently, we have to type the comment and then select where on the prototype we'd like to place the comment. This is very counter-intuitive because the comment bar on the bottom right feels disconnected from the prototype.

    If I could pick a location first and then type the comment directly next to it, then that will help me remember what I'm commenting about.

    Also, it would be great to highlight a comment more prominently when its corresponding icon/number is clicked on the prototype. Right now its a very subtle background change.

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  6. I saw that you can grouped elements, and then make one change that applies to all. I don't know what are the steps to achieve this? Could you show us how? I couldn't find a tutorial on the Adobe Help page.

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  7. I'd love the ability to edit an existing symbol and have it populate to all instances (ie. Navigations, Headers, Footers, etc.)

    This would make editing content and global changes SO much easier.

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  8. Paste Appearance command should also work on folders. Lets say I have some multilayered flat logo 'A' in 'Folder A' and I want to past the attributes on all layers inside. It will be great. Currently I have to select all layers seperately.

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  9. I'd like to be able to copy one element (i.e: a top navigation bar) to multiple views by copying the element, selecting all relevant views, and pressing cmd + V.

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  10. Possibility to have a price politics like Sketch, one pay, one shot ?
    i prefer Adobe XD to use
    I prefer Sketch licence to pay
    One licence for 100$,

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  11. I am able to add colors to my assets panel, but when I click on those colors it changes the color of the fill without an option to change the stroke. It would be awesome if these could sync to the fill/border color palette. It's annoying when the color is in your assets but not in your swatch and you have to fill a shape just to copy the hex code to change the color of the stroke. See video.

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    You can already do this! By default, you click on the assets panel to apply it quickly to the fill. However, if you want to apply the color to your border, you can right click the swatch in the assets panel and select “Apply to Border.” Hope that helps!

  12. The new Spec link is awesome. But my teammates can't read the full artboard name if the artboard's width is short eg. Android or iPhone artboard. A simplily mouse over name would solve this problem.

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  13. I'm missing an option to mark and comment on the online (published) preview image. this feature can be very useful in the design and develop meeting when other members of the team comment on the mockup design.

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  14. This pricing options look disproportionately to me... Adobe XD is on the same level as Photoshop and Lightroom combined? Nevertheless I will buy Adobe XD, because I startet a lot of projects with the beta and don't want them to be not finished...
    Maybe there is a way to get any discount when using Photoshop and XD togehter? Would be nice...

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    1 comment  ·  Admin →
  15. Since Xd just closes at will, with no warning, and we are now used to working in the cloud where our work gets backed up in this scenario, for the love of all that was once your calling, use the cloud services you have running massively on my machine to do some good for just the programs I am using. Focus and quality people. You can wikipedia those words. </troll>

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  16. 1 vote

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  17. I'd like to have a key binding that would not snap to grid while I'm trying to position an item. The location I need might be close to a grid line, so it would automatically snap to it, but I'd need it to be juuuuust off.

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  18. It would be great to have a 'sketch' UI toolkit (similar visually to Balsamiq), to allow for creating a wireframe with a focus on the content and workflows, rather than on execution of design and style (or the ability to toggle between the 2).

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  19. The start experience on first run does not have a button that allows us to open existing XD files. Every other Adobe product allows this.

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