Do not snap to grid
I'd like to have a key binding that would not snap to grid while I'm trying to position an item. The location I need might be close to a grid line, so it would automatically snap to it, but I'd need it to be juuuuust off.
You can temporarily turn off snapping by holding down Cmd on Mac or Ctrl on windows. Let us know if this doesn’t work!
Hailey Sumner commented
Holding cmd does not disable snapping to grid.
Anonymous commented
XD is crap compared to Sketch or Figma. Nothing in it works as it should. You can't even create list items properly without some sort of half baked plugin.
Lokesh commented
Guys.. I've highlighted the issues in the below request. Please upvote.
Alexandr Demidov commented
One way I found move vector shape by points - you can move them without snap
Cy233 commented
Holding down CNTL on windows 10 doesn't work for me either. It still snaps out of alignment.
FWIW: Some items can be placed by using the x and y access (e.g. y = 11.26) but this doesn't help when working with lines on an angle as the entire line moves not just one end.
PS Since this request has been marked as 'completed', we can't upvote it either.
UX Designer commented
Ctrl does seem to turn off snapping... but it doesn't solve the problem of aligning objects or shapes with one another. I can't center a square inside a circle using either the align tools or dragging it and seeing smart guides to see it's aligned. If I select both shapes and click align center (horizontal or vertical) the shapes align to some invisible pixel grid I don't even have turned on. I can't do it off the artboard, either. Trying to center the two shapes while holding down ctrl is just a guessing game.
nick commented
I am also trying to center a circle in a circle and align tools don't work. They position elements in a strange off-center way.
Fabien commented
I am upset since 30 minutes because I am looking for how to center a shape in another! ... It should be the simplest thing to do. But XD aligns on pixel, I presume, and not on the background shape.
If I add that comment, of course, it's because holding Cmd doesn't change anything. :(
Fabien -
Nemanja Rauš commented
it doesn't work as it should, still acts weird. :/