Save to the cloud
Since Xd just closes at will, with no warning, and we are now used to working in the cloud where our work gets backed up in this scenario, for the love of all that was once your calling, use the cloud services you have running massively on my machine to do some good for just the programs I am using. Focus and quality people. You can wikipedia those words. </troll>
Even though this was a troll post, I wanted to share that we now support cloud documents as of our December release.
Peter Villevoye commented
Ha ! Funny coincidence :-) I just noticed this photo of Jill da Silva, head of UX Strategy and CEO of design agency Digital Karma, at the UX Leaders Summit at Adobe MAX, stating the exact key points I mentioned:
I hope users will be 'lazy' enough to just utter "whatever" and start using these new cloud files as a habit, in order to get them on the bandwagon of future improvements and features like versioning and collaborating.
Peter Villevoye commented
So now we have: Published/Shared Prototypes, Published/Shared Specs, auto-saved and synced and shared Cloud files, the 'normal' Create Cloud files & folders, Mobile Creations, and of top of that also parts-based storage like Creative Cloud Libraries and linked and local Symbols. And these are just the Adobe-branded flavours of assets in an XD workflow.
Oh man, this conceptual model is getting very messy !
I wonder how versioning will be integrated to all this.