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  1. 29 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    Cmd+ incrementally zoom in on the selected object;
    Cmd– incrementally zoom out on the current view;
    Cmd 3 can still work, for those who got used to it.

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    We are halfway into 2020 and still, no luck.
    Users who mainly work with a mouse still need to frantically keep zooming in, zooming out, and pan around to get where they need to be. How many developers does it take to get this obvious behavior in effect ? It's not a huge feature that needs a lot of thinking and tinkering ? Or do we really need to expect some plugin developer to fulfill this request ?

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    We're almost in 2019 and XD still doesn't use an easy way to zoom in incrementally on a selection. It's either Cmd+ (one step closer to the screen's centre), or Cmd3 – BAMM!! Right in your face, far too large ! So always followed with a replacing of the hands and fingers to take a few steps back.

    Okay, you partly mimicked Sketch with its Cmd3 (though it merely centers an object – no full zoom), now take a look at Flinto (and Illustrator, and InDesign) and do the right thing.

    Not every user has a touch screen, allowing me to simply drag a zoom area...

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    The Zoom to Selection (Cmd-3) is indeed too much IN YOUR FACE !! An incremental zoom would be a much smoother transition to the desired magnification level.

  2. 410 votes

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  3. 87 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    An even more devastating consequence is that when you accidentally close a cloud-based file, it will be saved in that state, and you can't roll back or undo your mistakes by using Cmd/Ctrl-Z...

  4. 1,472 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    These two concepts (how Components work with overrides and how States work with differences) are not thought through enough. They clash and conflict in wonderful ways. Attaching these two features at the hip was a wrong idea. I hope they'll be able to surgically cut them loose from each other...

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  5. 4 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    Oh yes, Adobe Edge Animate – what a lovely gem that was !

    I'm afraid that brilliant file format has lost all relevance and popularity in the current world... :-(

    Somehow, certain obvious and promising technologies just don't make it. If you Google "OAM", no one is using it, no one is endorsing it, no one remembers it. Why not ? Maybe the format was/is too open, and it's too easy to create (in fact it's just packaged HTML5), to distribute, and display.

    Companies want clever technologies they can control, measure, and play safe with. Adobe itself steered away from it, because you can't control and measure the distribution of an OAM (just like with ePub Fixed Layout). Underlying technologies like fonts and video codecs are also tricky. Licenses and patents can be too easily ignored or circumvented. So the web, app, and ad industry don't like it at all...

    So it's down to either a simple image, a video, or complex HTML5. Plain HTML5 and a slew of proprietary scripts seem easier to work with - from a developer's and distributor's viewpoint.

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  7. 18 votes

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    Peter Villevoye supported this idea  · 
  8. 2,872 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    Although I have 30+ years experience with Master Pages in tools like PageMaker, XPress, and InDesign, I'd not endorse this kind of feature in software like Adobe XD, for these three reasons:

    1. Adobe XD caters for web and app design – not for static formats like print media. This requires different approaches for elements at fluent positions (e.g. below the viewport) and responsiveness.

    2. There are much better solutions than copy/paste to deal with repetitive content, like Components. These can be locally edited and centrally managed.

    3. Adobe XD is not about doing a lot of production work, but designing different ideas. So you probably need less similar designs.

  9. 37 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    I also chime in for this one, and I'd like to add that the stated numerical value should respond to the up and down arrows as anywhere else in the application: increasing and decreasing the value, in stead of going up and down in the popup list (with values going the other way around...)

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  10. 6 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    Thanks for chiming in !
    Unbelievable how UN-logical this useful feature is... and STILL in the most recent version.
    It's just a matter of correct wording. How many developers would that take ? JDI !!

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  11. 25 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    This is actually a required feature of the Mac OS, being by-passed by Adobe.
    The drop down from the Title bar only offers the option to change the file's name.
    Microsoft also changed this Mac behaviour, by using the Control key in stead of Cmd.
    I hate it when developers have their own "unique" way with such things, confusing me as a user...

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  12. 30 votes

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    Peter Villevoye supported this idea  · 
  13. 144 votes

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    Peter Villevoye supported this idea  · 
  14. 104 votes

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  15. 2 votes

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  16. 2 votes

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    Got it! Thanks for the clarification and the suggestion. I’ve edited the title to be more concise and applicable to your suggestion, and I’ll leave it open for others to upvote.

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    Actually, in my example the secondary button is just replaced by the lock icon, so it doesn't look so much like a button to get started with setting rounded corners, because that's what causes most of the confusion. A blue underline of the single value could also help to draw users to set it right away in stead of hitting a button.

    Note: the lock icons are very tiny ! When using a finger on a touch screen, it's almost impossible to hit...

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    I guess the solution which is the most obvious one and consistent with other parts of the XD interface and other applications, is to use a Lock icon (like the one for the proportional size constraint) as a button to toggle the status from unified to separate and v.v.

    Of course, you can add that blue-line behaviour again to reflect which value and corner is being edited.

    I also rearranged the order of the settings, and adjusted the vertical space between them, just a bit, to reflect their associations. This helps understanding and using them at a glance.

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  17. 8,057 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    I also think this 'feature' is not a one-trick pony or a case-closed request. It should be an ongoing subject within the growth stages of XD. Just like having assets and styles (both file and cloud-based) for visual and typographical content and settings, designers need to be able to create, re-use, and adapt 'styles' for transitions and animations.

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  18. 1 vote

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  19. 609 votes

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  20. 109 votes

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    Peter Villevoye commented  · 

    I also posted a request for another "Paste..." essential: Paste into !
    Please vote for that one separately, since it's not a totally new feature, it just needs a tweak.

    In the recent update, the "Paste Appearance" command can be used to copy/paste an already placed image into another frame or shape. It is very useful, but I'm afraid no user will expect the feature to be named and used in that way. I've tested it with a few course attendees (by asking them "what would you expect?") and they all answered "Paste Into". Even with the "Paste Appearance" command available to them in sight (under the right-click or menu command), they overlooked it.

    Users don't expect such an image to be an aspect of "appearance". And besides that, it took Adobe Illustrator about 15 years to get users to understand the "Appearance" term – and they still don't.

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