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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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158 results found

  1. A great feature would be to export a layout into a format that could be edited in Dreamweaver allowing us to create a layout or UI and then build a final producr straight off of that.

    This would speed up the design process and levels of productivity tremendously.

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  2. Here my idea for exporting asset that I call Asset Mode.
    1. Choose Assets you want to export in Design Mode by right click > Send to Assets
    2. Switch to Asset Mode
    3. Change wifth, heigh, position, background of assets
    4. Choose scales (1x, 2x,...)
    5. Export
    XD Prototype:

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  3. 67 votes

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  4. I would like to see the Illustrator export to PDF window, where you have presets and total control over the PDF creation.
    Right now I had a day work, exported it as PDF pages and was terrified by the colors and quality. Had to redo all the work in Illustrator again...

    So PDF export options and color profile choices.

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  5. It would be great to have an integration with adobe ANIMATE CC therefore just to make some code snippets, and the backbone codification, but to have all the assets linked as screens in the timeline of Adobe animate cc would be great, improving the time that an app can need to be published.

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  6. Exporting fancy animated interactions as Swift Code, Objective-C, Java, Etc... To help out the developers

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  7. Provide accessibility to export style guides so that it can be used by developers to design it.
    For Ex: If a project contains 10 variations of text and a color palette, allowing to export those values would be of great help to develop the designs made.

    I am attaching a sample image for the idea I am trying to project.

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  8. It'd be really handy to be able to output completely app-ready assets through a sort of PS generator-like functionality.

    Although it is possible to manage all of your assets in Photoshop, XD would seem to me to be a much more logical place to control and ultimately output them.


    First of all when you create a document you are more or less defining the platform that the app is for, so you already know what type of output that is needed, or it could be defined at export time.

    If you need to export for an Android application (for…

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  9. I printed my PDF but it would be nice if I could have the option to include the Artboard title added to each one (sort of like the UI).

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  10. The ability to name artboards and assets with some criteria (for example, a forward slash: "ARTBOARD1/IMAGE2/iOS/BACKGROUND") which would automatically generate nested folders upon export.

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  11. I design layout with sample text. I export the background for use in actual layouts. Now I have to hide what I don't want to export.
    By marking them I don't have to hide them and editing layout will also be a lot easier. All hidden items in a group cannot be selected and moved together with items not in the group.

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  12. In the process of exporting individual elements - there's no interface that lets you choose file type or any other settings. Also exporting overlapping design elements exports as tow image files. Would be nice to have an option to control that option.

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  13. Currently the default location to export your assets is the last location used. I work in several different projects throughout the day and need to export to different locations. It would be great if the default location for exporting assets stayed with the individual XD file instead of being system wide.

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  14. Exporting vector graphic shouldn't transform translate at all!
    When exporting e.g. icon why there is "data-name" and transform="translate"? Svg's are very often animated, or changed on hover. Sometimes element inside might be moving and translate is perfect for moving path where you cant change x and y. I understand maybe its faster for adobe xd to calculate translate when moving element but at least on export paths should be recalculated to have NONE of translate's. I'm not even sure if we can call it a feature, its more like bug that produces totally unnecessary attributes. When exporting, file should be…

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  15. Developers use educated guess work when it comes to making animations based on designs.

    Just like normal design specs, we need animation specs to be able to hand off design that contain motion and transition information. a way to clarify animation and eliminate guess work for developers.

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  16. currently export to PDF is can only be sorted by the left-right, top-down arrangement. Often there are usecases to arrange your artboards in an arrangment other than left-right, top-down, and so would need some other arbitrary way to choose the order of artboards to pages in a PDF. The Artboards panel already can be sorted arbitrarily, so would be a natural fit, if a user could export to PDF with an option to use the order it appears in the Artboards list, and this would also mirror the behavior in Illustrator and Fireworks.

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  17. A client is requesting to have assets in Illustrator format. Basically, I want to be able to export from XD as an Illustrator file with the options to save images as linked or embedded. This is similar to the SVG export option, except that SVG I think has a file size limit of about 15 MB. When I export as an SVG at a large size, XD fails. Exporting as Illustrator with supported text boxes (not breaking them into individual text lines and not outlining the text either. Just easy and editable from XD to Illustrator. XD export as SVG…

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    I would like to understand more about the limitation of the export as SVG as i am not aware of any limit. Are you talking about a limit in the application that consumes the SVG, like a browser or Illustrator?

    In general, if you choose to export with embedded images, the size of SVG will become large and it will be hard to process it in other application.


  18. SVG export should emulate Sketch's exporting SVG code (with accompanying height and width attributes included natively). Not as it currently does without height and width. This should also be changed in Illustrator too.

    • Set height
    • Set width
    • Address color shift
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    I’ve updated this idea with the specific callouts for height/width support and addressing the color shift. It’s possible we might need to split this story up in the future, but I’m leaving it this way for now.


  19. When exporting "single" selected artboard, I would like to have a control over the exported artbard file name.

    Now, each time I am exporting new artboard version, I am forced to create a separate folder.

    I also export the same artboard few times in a row to present some idea but with different visibility of individual artboard element. Creating folder each time for such export is a nightmare.

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  20. I was just thinking if there is a way to export interactions as animated SVG.

    E.g. when you create a number of artboards for loading screens or splash screens for mobile app design in order to create an animation (logo movement, or colours etc), to be able to export that animation as a single animated svg file?

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