Improve installation flow and uninstallation
I'm reopening this "feature" that was originally opened by Sylvain in July 2017:
but hastily and wrongly, closed by Elaine (Adobe) (Product Manager, Adobe) and labeled as non-feature-request.
While ee agree that it is not a feature strictly linked to Adobe Xd but rather to the installation process which, probably, involves the entire Adobe product package but:
- An answer could be: "look, unfortunately it is not a feature strictly related to Adobe Xd so I have to close this thread, but I will report the problem to whoever is responsible for the installation process." at least pretend a bit of customer support.
Answer instead:
"You can already set the install location of all of your Creative Cloud apps through the Creative Cloud desktop application. From the CC Desktop App, click on the Gear> Preferences> Creative Cloud and click on the drop-down underneath“ Install Location. ”
Demonstrates a poor knowledge of the Adobe installation process, and t the fact that from 2017 to 2019 other comments were followed all with the same problem without ever receiving a response, also demonstrates little interest to users.
It becomes paradoxical that the Sylvain's thread happened in the section of a software created for the user experience, and therefore the latter should be offered at its highest level.
Let's clarify that still in 2020, during the installation phase of Adobe Xd it is not possible in any way, to choose the installation folder, unless:
- One first installs Adobe Creative Clouds
- Has read Elaine's comment
- It start to tinker in CC before install a product and discover this option on his own.
It is at least 15 years that all around the world the installation flow offers a user the possibility to choose where to install, there were Adobe Xd doesn't do it, neither in Creative Clouds app, why? is it one of those ideas like:
"let's make it strange and unpractice, because it will be innovative in this way" X°D
There's a plethora of people that since years and years, have dedicated hard disks, one for the OS, one for the .exe files, one for the archive and so on and the most pain for them, is dealing with those softwares that install themeselves wherever they want, typically in the OS drive, that then we have to keep clean from them.
When a user arrives on this page:
and click the "start for free" button it will download the installer of Adobe Xd, once you click on it, for the sake of good user experience, there's no pop up asking you where you wish to install Adobe Xd.
In this way the installation of Adobe Xd and Creative Clouds happens in parallel, with Creative Clouds finishing few seconds before Adobe Xd, you can see it by just keeping open your windows control panel, Adobe Xd will complete the installation right after and a push notification from CC will inform you of the installation of Adobe Xd, which will occur in C:
At this point the user has no other choice that uninstal Adobe Xd (from Creative Clouds because Adobe Xd does not appear in Panel control) and reinstall it from Creative Clouds App.
Not this great user experience.
But by installing Adobe Xd from Creative Clouds App, will Creative Clouds inform me where I want to install Adobe Xd or at least alert me that I can change the location? nope.
Basically in the first way of installing Adobe Xd, there's absolutely no way to choose the installation folder, while in the second way (by installing first Creative Clouds) there could be the possibility, but the user is not informed about it.
Again, great user experience.
Finally, the uninstallation process of Adobe Xd, it's just partial.
Once you have uninstalled it, you will remain with about 20-30 files installed in your dedicated OS hard drive. Why?? mystery ...
Some of those files, are neither reg files or shortcuts, but useless softwares not required such as a PluginCleanup that I struggle to understand why is not removed.
On top of this, some of these files have a System ownership, or are sub folders with a System ownership, which means that typically a user can not manually delete them because they are not ownership of the user itself, or because in some case, they require that only the allowed TrustedInstaller could delete them, which is Adobe, which does not remove them during the uninstallation, brilliant, and so what remains to the user is the annoying part of deleting the System ownership the eventual inheritance and assign himself as owner .
I don't know Elaine, perhaps the original thread deserved to be forwarded to those in charge of this matter and users who replied you back an answer, at least for the sake of ux.
Thanks for your feedback. By way of introduction, I’m a Sr. Product Manager on XD. This is more of a centralized installer question, which is best filed in the Download & Install Community Support forum. I believe at the time I also shared it with the product manager of the installation experience, and I’ll do so again. However, I’m closing this as not a feature request for XD itself.