Comment inbox in web prototype
I would like to have an inbox with all the new comments listed and each one linking to the appropriate page/screen.
Right now you have to go through each page to see if there is a comment or not. This is tedious if you're using XD as a client review tool.
Updating this thread as we have delivered the capability to view all comments added across screens in your published link in one single view – “All Screen Comments”.
The current email notification now has link to each artboard where there are comments directly. You can click on it and get into the artboard without having to go through each of them manually.
Please do try it out and let us know what you think?
Anonymous commented
yes its needed
Thomas commented
Yes, please!
Thomas Sokolowski commented
Yes we need this feature in our coummunication with our clients, too!
An overview about all comments.We cannot through each page to see if there is a comment or not!!
David Beja commented
This would be great! Any updates on this? Thanks
Jeffy Boy commented
We really need this
Kidhack commented
Definitely need this. A user commented on a prototype and I had no idea that they did. Once they told me I had to go through the whole prototype to find what screen was commented on.
David Knell commented
If possible, I would love to see the comments from within XD *because that's where you'll be making the suggested changes.* If not, it'd still be helpful to have a dashboard of sorts online so you can scan across all your comments in a single view, getting a feel for how many there are.
sebastien louap commented
I was wondering if it was possible to have a specific view to see all comments related to a prototype?
I'm using comment as change request and questions with PdM and devs.
Being able to track all these item is crucial.
right now being forced to go in each page and open the discussion panel is not fully efficient.
Associated to the work in procgress to state "Done" on a comment an overall list of all discussion will be awesome.