Select artboards + objects that are outside the artboards (pasteboard) at the same time
I am creating a screen flow diagram with annotations between each artboard. I've pasted arrows between the artboards to indicate the flow of the experience between sreens.
If I'd like to move multiple artboards I've noticed that all of my arrows / annotations outside of the artboards aren't selected with the multiple artboards. It is extremely time consuming to move the outside elements after moving multiple artboards.
I read that other designers wish there could be a way to annotate or draw arrows between artboards. Perhaps that would solve my issue. I just want to show a screen / state diagram of the UI as well as jump to prototype mode when I need to.
The best way to recreate the issue I'm experiencing is by going into your starter file and try to move a few artboards with their respective annotations and you'll see my frustration. It becomes weird if you try to add in a new screen in the middle of the experience.
Sorry for the false alarm! Someone pointed out to me that I interpreted the request incorrectly. While you can now select objects both in the artboard and on the pasteboard, you cannot yet select objects on the pasteboard and complete artboards themselves.
teemo scout commented
Rudolf commented
+100, please fix this - in huge projects it's almost impossible to move artboards which have some kind of comments around them.
Matt Prina commented
This would be a very helpful fix please and thank you :)
Larissa Masson commented
Kate commented
Please fix this. It's so painful to manage documents without it.
Tressa commented
Unless this feature has not yet been released, it is definitely NOT resolved. It's one of the biggest pain points when working with AdobeXD. I create a bunch of art-boards (often 50+) and drag objects off/on to them from the pasteboard/canvas (whatever you call the background). Quite frequently I need to move artboard(s) and all objects associated with that artboard to another space (or even alt+drag to copy and move them) and I can't. I can select all the objects together and move them, then select all the artboards and move them - but never both together. VERY annoying - it really slows down my workflow.
Jason commented
Not resolved – cannot select artboards and objects on the pasteboard together.
Brice commented
Have to agree with Jordan here, the issue is not resolved
Jordan commented
How is this issue resolved? I updated to the latest version of XD then I tried clicking and dragging to select both pasteboard objects and artboards, but they still cannot be moved together.
James commented
4 options, I think we need in design mode:
1) Drag to select with just mouse - selects just objects on canvas or art boards (This is what is does currently)
2) Drag with mouse and shift key pressed selects art boards and objects around them
3) CMD + A (with layers palette closed) selects all art boards only
4) CMD + SHFT + A (with layers palette closed) selects art boards and all objects -
Jeff Swartz commented
Managing my artboards is PAINFUL. I have never seen a designer that doesn't have elements floating around outside artboards in design programs and Adobe XD is no different.
If I area select five artboards and all the random elements around them, i should be able to drag them all at once. Seems like a no-brainer.
Arthur commented
Yes, please! It's such a pain to work with, yet such a simple thing to add!
MaMaLy commented
I agree!! This should have more votes! While I've come up with a workaround to attach my real annotations to my artboard by overlapping the object by one pixel, I still jot down meeting notes or labels on the pasteboard. When I need to move my artboards around, it's time consuming (and error prone) to not have the option to also select the items on the pasteboard.
When exporting a PDF, it's nice to just be able to select the artboards. So I'd suggest adding a special key (ctrl, alt, or cmd) while selecting if you want to select everything including items on the pasteboard.
Joseph Silva commented
I am also amazed that this one does not have more votes. Not being able to select and move notes and other objects on the pasteboard along with artboards is a huge hassle and it eats up valuable time.
Scott Ruth commented
This has been a problem for me as well. Would love to see this feature added soon.
Nick commented
Amazing how this does not have more votes. This is really important for re-positioning screens with titles and descriptions outside the artboards.
John commented
James commented
Surely an alt key modifier or something like that would solve this...? dragging and selecting whilst pressing alt selected art boards AND objects and pressing without alt is the current selection model?
Dashanan commented
I second this. For one project I am working on XD, the number of artboards is well over 200. So I group artboards by journeys (E.g. pre-login home, registration, login, forgot, post-login home etc). I also throw in comments next to an artboard for any detailed explanation required regarding it. Now obviously unforeseen tweaks come up, that require artboards to be moved around or add new artboards in a journey. Basically requiring the pertaining canvas area to be selected and moved. But with the current limitation of on mass-selecting artboards and not external elements - results in a nightmare of task.
Denis commented
Selecting an artboard deselects any selected objects that do lie on an artboard and vice versa. That makes repositioning artboards a drag, when there are notes for example on the canvas.