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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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5 results found

  1. Run path operations on shapes grouped to bounding boxes.

    Masked paths/shapes are revealed in js react. It would be nice to not have to do this manually.

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    Is this still an issue for you?
    If yes, could you please attach an XD file with which you can reproduce the issue and maybe a recording?
    Our team tried to reproduce it but with no success.

    Corina Murgila

  2. We seriously need to be able to convert our designs into code, just like sketch and invision can both do. This is the only thing holding people back from joining xd.

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    Hi, all-

    “Convert to code” is fairly ambiguous, and I’m looking for more specifics as to what you’re hoping to get out of this. We already have a number of stories that go to specific technologies: HTML/CSS, XCode, Android Studio, etc. I’d like to close this one out in the interest of having more specific export paths.


  3. A client is requesting to have assets in Illustrator format. Basically, I want to be able to export from XD as an Illustrator file with the options to save images as linked or embedded. This is similar to the SVG export option, except that SVG I think has a file size limit of about 15 MB. When I export as an SVG at a large size, XD fails. Exporting as Illustrator with supported text boxes (not breaking them into individual text lines and not outlining the text either. Just easy and editable from XD to Illustrator. XD export as SVG…

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    I would like to understand more about the limitation of the export as SVG as i am not aware of any limit. Are you talking about a limit in the application that consumes the SVG, like a browser or Illustrator?

    In general, if you choose to export with embedded images, the size of SVG will become large and it will be hard to process it in other application.


  4. イラストレーター(ai)形式の書き出し機能が欲しい。

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    I believe the new version of Illustrator released in November had some changes to address this issue. Could you please try again and let us know if this issue is fixed?



    11月にリリースされたIllustratorの新しいバージョンでは、この問題に対処するためにいくつかの変更が加えられたと思います。 この問題が修正された場合はもう一度お試しください。

  5. Add xCode export to the list of functions... great for informative apps

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    Can you tell us more about how you’d like this to work? Do you want XD to export image assets and insert them directly into the correct folders/filenames in an existing Xcode project? Or do you want XD to generate Objective-C / Swift code to create a brand new Xcode project?