Thanks for taking the time to make a video and write this up.
Originally, we had it as part of plan to do UI for toggling between "straight", "curved" and "disconnected" anchor types in the property inspector (the UI you see in the right). That got pushed out due to other priorities. Your post is one vote to prioritize that higher (more votes would be great).
Until that gets implemented, I do have a workaround for you - you can actually click on a control point and hit delete to remove it (i know this isn't ideal).
Thanks for taking the time to make a video and write this up.
Originally, we had it as part of plan to do UI for toggling between "straight", "curved" and "disconnected" anchor types in the property inspector (the UI you see in the right). That got pushed out due to other priorities. Your post is one vote to prioritize that higher (more votes would be great).
Until that gets implemented, I do have a workaround for you - you can actually click on a control point and hit delete to remove it (i know this isn't ideal).