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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. I have found that Figma gives users the ability to create a grid inside a shape. Say for example I am creating a dialog and putting content in it that I want to be aligned in two columns, I would have to do this manually with shapes.

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  2. At the same time - with the press of one button - be able to align two or more objects both horizontally and vertically.

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  3. A possibility to define a stroke percentage value. For example do a Countdown or round progress bars.

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  4. It would be nice if I were able to change my selection in the layers panel using the keyboard only.

    Sketch / Studio allow for iterating through the layers list using the shortcut option + tab (or option + shift + tab) in order to change selection.

    This is helpful if you have to change the z-order of a lot of layers, as with the mouse you are always at risk of moving layers into groups when dragging them around in the layers panel.

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  5. To work faster, we should have a keyboard shortcut to turn on/off the responsive resize mode. It's a small update but it will be handy I believe.

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  6. As a user I would like to be able to scroll through screens using Ctrl+Arrow Keys while maintaining the zoom I have on the current artboard when a single artboard is selected (or more up to you).

    This would be most handy for me in when checking my designs and using Ctrl+3 which fit the screen to the window as the zoom in/out is tedious and takes up a lot of time.

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  7. The "Paste Appearance" command to copy/paste an already placed image into another frame or shape is very useful, but I'm afraid no user will expect the feature to be named and used in that way. I've tested it with some course attendees (by asking them "What command would you expect?") and they all answered "Paste Into". Even with the "Paste Appearance" command available to them in sight (under the right-click or menu command), they overlooked it.

    Users don't expect such an image to be an aspect of "appearance". And besides that, it took Adobe Illustrator about 15 years to get…

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  8. it would be great if there was an easier way to replace images within a symbol other than drag&dropping from an outside folder (which is a bit WTF right now), such as a replace element option or similar

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  9. The UI of Adobe XD can be resized to some extend, but I am running in screen real estate problems with my laptop which has a 3:2 screen aspect ratio (Surface Book). The design canvas is quite narrow with both the left-hand panel and the right-hand panel opened.

    However that I can hide the layers panel when designing, it is not possible to control the size of the properties panel on the right, even though I think there is some room for responsiveness here as well (see example "right-hand panel responsiveness.jpg".

    My idea would be to:

    • enable resizing of the…

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  10. Sketch currently have a fantastic approach to moving objects - if you have a complex group and need to move an object that is behind others you can hold command & option and move the object as if you had the mouse on it

    A great way to speed up workflow and stop accidentally moving the wrong objects

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  11. I think the styles are really helpful. Would be more convenient if they were accessible at the typeface settings in the inspector though. When I am dealing with type in a design, or parts of a design I am generally looking at the right side of the screen, whereas the left side with all the symbols, colors, etc is more for the whole document.

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  12. Love to have copy rotation tool. It's very helpful for icon design.

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  13. Similar to Illustrator where you can easily flip background and stroke color, it would be nice to have this in XD as well when experimenting with color options.

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  14. Provide an option when designing and previewing to automatically overlay the iPhone X cutout shape over the design. This would be super helpful both while designing and previewing.

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  15. It would be nice if we could zoom in on the "Assets" pane. With a high resolution monitor, it can be very difficult to see some of the smaller assets that are designed for mobile. I currently have to drag them into the canvas where I can zoom in to see which is which.

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  16. Just show color HEX code next to each color preview (background/border/shadow) instead of making us clic this color picker to read it.

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  17. It would be really handy to be able to view fold lines as the artboard height increases so that designers can accurately design for each view.

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  18. I noticed that if I pasted in content from another source (in this case, Sketch), everything imports properly but if I try to move the ARTBOARD it merely stays in place and the pasted content moves. However, if I select 2+ artboards, no problem.

    This may just be a bug.

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  19. I'd like a setting to disable the fold line by default when I'm editing preset artboards.

    [original] Nobody asked for this so it may not be a popular request, but I find the fold line annoying and unnecessary. Would you consider giving us the option to disable it?

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  20. Could it be possible to rework the placement of the Symbols & Layers toggle buttons ? They are not where i expect them to be. I'm forced to learn shortcut to switch.

    I don't have the solution but you could maybe moving them on top on the screen.

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