Create new main component from existing component
◆ Overview
After releasing "State" feature, it's been able to prepare complex interactions like "hover." Following feature may help to reduce required time preparing a new component with similar behaviors/instructions.
◆ Actual
New component with state settings every time when a similar behavior is expected in different look and feel.
(Currently, preparing another XD file is believed to be the only solution to avoid this by selecting "Make it as local component" after loading it from another XD file.")
◆ Expected
By select "Use it as a new Master Component" is to make a new Master component instead of copying it as an instance component.
◆ Why is this valuable to you?
When using a single, new XD file and load a master component from other XD files, it is possible to make it "local component"; however, it is unable to make it happen within the same XD file.
This helps to reduce time to prepare a set of basic state setting from the beginning each time. This also helps NOT to get affected unconsciously on the new component by editing the template master component by someone else.
Since Co-Editing feature is now beta version, some larger project may have a couple of co-editors of components on the same XD file in the future. While a group of designers keeps upgrading a basic behaviors for future use, another group of designers is working on on-going project to finalize a specific look and feel based on the template component.
Matthew Prina commented
I've voted for the "Duplicate Master Component" feature but I like this too because it would be cool to create a master (main) component from an instance of a component.
Think about it. You design a component that you're using a lot and in one instance you notice that the component needs some improvements. You make the necessary improvements to that instance. Now you decide you want all the components to look/function like that instance. If you could have the option to 1."make new main component from this instance" and 2."make this instance the main component" - it would be super helpful.
Matt Prina commented
This would be a great improvement. I find myself wanting to do this all the time. It would save a lot of time.
Mee K commented
Make it please. It's too annoying to copy it now.
1. Create a new file
2. Copy Components
3. Rename, re-copy and paste into the original file.
4. Delete and close saved files in the cloud
This process must be completed with only one button.When someone asks me about that, I say, "Well, it's a little annoying, but try like this! blabla... ", What a hassle!
Anonymous commented
Please, desperately need.
fcairello commented
Also came here expecting to find an answer to this problem, and ended up disappointed because I see that Adobe hasn't implemented the functionality to create a master component from an instance component yet, even though people has been asking for it since two years ago. This would be indeed very useful and I am just another example who really needs it as well. It seems like Adobe doesn't have people working on real life projects who could realize what are the little and simple improvements they could do that would greatly facilitate the designers work, what a shame.
Lawrence Alberto commented
I wish they make this a priority as it will cut a lot of tedious work when setting up main components.
Noel Holmes commented
Would be especially useful for creating variations of masters that have different states defined!
Riccardo commented
it's a really basic and useful feature, possibility to create a new "master" component instead of unlink and recreate all state from scratch
Mike M commented
This is needed so badly. It's super annoying and tedious to have to make multiple versions and alterations of an instance component for states and interactions to show clients, and when an option is chosen, we have to go and re-create the one chosen if it's not the master component.
Laurel commented
It's insanity that we can't do this.
I just made 6 states. Then realized I need 6 individual components instead so that each "state" can have an independent trigger. If we could duplicate master components, then I would be able to duplicate, rename, and delete the superfluous states.
You are probably adding 2-3 hours of work to my day but not having this simple feature. And this happens to me all the time.
Patrick commented
PLEEEEAAASE! The lack of this feature is driving me crazy!
Anonymous commented
Yes Please!! I spend so much time dealing with visuals independently because of this issue
Andrew Hart commented
I presume you will implement this with a right click option in the component panel. However if you choose to also implement this as a right click option of a component on the artboard, which adds the duplicate component to the artboard (A feature that I would like), I would request that the duplicated component be tagged as a main component, not just an instance.
Celeste Herrera commented
Yes please!
Rick Evans commented
Yes, this!
Anonymous commented
Yes please! I'm struggling while creating a Design System, wanting to have nested (master) components inside other master components. It would be super helpful to define a child / copy as the new master / main component. I don't want to spend a ton of time recreating things just to have it all as a master.
Adobe we really need this feature to excel in the pro field of UX / UI design and prototyping. Please implement it ASAP.
Anonymous commented
we need to have "make a main component" to take over the component and become the main
we need to have "convert to main component " to take the component with it's properties and make it a new main component -
Erik commented
I would really like to be able to create a new master component from either another master component or from a modified copy of a component. It is especially useful if you just want to try out small changes, but keep the master component as is, or if you have modified a copy of a master component to a point where you realise this is how the master component should work.
Also, if you have set up a number of states on your master component, that you would like to keep for a new modified master, there is no way to retain them. Unlinking a copy destroys the states.
So yes, a "duplicate component" and "create new master component from this copy" would be extremely useful.
Almasi commented
Anonymous commented
+1. Listen to your users adobe!