Define minimum and maximum sizes for components
Hello XD team,
I am working on a large design system and even if a lot efforts have been done on the components in the previous patches, I would like to share my thoughts on the two following points.
I collaborate with product owners, project managers and developers. These profiles have been formed on XD (basics principles and how to use our design system). As far as I know, they struggle on updating values as text or icon within components. They have to click a lot time to "correctly" point on the element they want to update, resulting in a lot of little unwanted modifications (moving elements, changing sizes...). In the end, they are affraid to manipulate the components. It would be great if we could have some forms inputs on the components panel, where they could directly type their content (title, paragraph...), select the icon (dropdown list ?) they want etc... This way, they could adapt the components to their needs without manipulating the layers and actives ; avoiding errors.
Is there any plan to have a min / max width / height for the components ? I would like to create some constraints on my components (cards, buttons, inputs etc) to make them compliant with our guidelines. For now, people can create a 20px or 2000px button which is basically non-sense.
Thank you for your advised feedbacks,