On-canvas gradient control is missing for closed paths
I create an object with the Pen tool.
Give it a gradient.
When I try to edit the gradient, the gradient bar is not appearing within the object. It is impossible to relocate the trajectory of the gradient.
Other time I change the dimension of that object, the gradients trajectory gets distorted and when I try to change it, it flies around the screen.
Thanks for your patience! We’ve addressed this bug in today’s release of XD 38.
wilson wang commented版本中
⑴ 从AI将图形导入到XD,在XD中操作渐变功能,图形上没有操作杆,将画布缩小后,只在图形之外出现操作杆,且无法拖拽到图形上进行操作;
⑵ 在XD中,将两个图形布尔合并后,也同样没有操作杆。 -
Anonymous commented
I too have experienced this issue. The trajectory marker is way off the object and does not respond properly.
Skropino commented
Tried this solution: "Just found out that you need to zoom out a lot and then you will see it, there is some bug that this gradient line gets out of canvas..." It worked.
But yes, the editing control is not positioned accurate, even when i tried to drag it, it jump into another place far away from where i pointed at.
Florian Monfort commented
I have found this problem as well, first reported it as a bug in the Contact Us chat but then found this thread. Please let us know when this is fixed as we have a lot of Pending designs we cannot do because we're blocked at this issue, especially when designing complex icons with gradients in them!
Anonymous commented
Just found out that you need to zoom out a lot and then you will see it, there is some bug that this gradient line gets out of canvas...
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem
This problem has not been fixed in the new update yet
Please fix this problem as soon as possible
It's very annoying -
Lore commented
I have the same problem for months...it's sooo frustrating! Sometimes the gradient bar appears on another area super small (you can barely see it), but most of the time it doesn't appear at all.
Lee Jerry commented
The gradient setting is inconvenient
Cosmo commented
Please add support to better import SVG files from apps like Inkpad (https://apps.apple.com/us/app/inkpad-graphic-design/id1057007769) for iOS, or Vectornator (https://www.vectornator.io/).
Currently, there are issues with SVG imports, such as gradient control breaking (locking up, and being skewed to the left and up, a ways from the object imported). It would be a major improvement to workflow.
Thank you!
Sarah commented
For shapes that are compiled of multiple shapes to create a "union" - I'm not able to change the angle of the gradient like I can with a single shape layer. See video:
Adam commented
I have run into the same issue.
When you create a standard shape (circle, square, etc...) and apply a gradient, there is a line on the shape that lets you change the angle of the gradient.
When you create a custom shape using the pen too and apply a gradient, there is NO line on the shape to change the gradient angle. Please add this simple feature!
Anonymous commented
I also encountered this problem