Search document in cloud
Hello, I need search button to search document in cloud. Please add search option. currently its very difficult to find specific document on cloud storage.
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Anonymous commented
Please add a search feature to the "open" modal, specifically on Cloud documents. Currently you have to scroll through a list which is a terrible UX.
Frederic commented
A redesign of the file open dialog box is badly needed. The truncated names do not help, and the thumbnail is of little use, since it only displays 1 art board instead of the whole document.
Here are a few suggestions
- Allow resizing of the dialog box so if a user has the screen real estate they can make the dialog box bigger and display full file names
- Make thumbnails more useful by allowing a preview of the entire document
- Implement search -
Steven Ackerman commented
Hello fellow users of Command-F!
Funny trick: if you "show hidden files" on Mac OS...
[in Terminal]
$ defaults write AppleShowAllFiles true
$ killall Finder...then you can search your local directory and aliases to cloud XD files you've opened previously will show up.
This is the only way I know to find work in XD Cloud.
The beauty here is you don't need to remember if the file was local or cloud, it's a unified search.
But it should not be like this.
Joelazo commented
Es necesario urgente!!!
danish jaafar commented
At last someone said this! I need this super bad ((( oh please make it happen (((
Yus commented
Senang Reka commented
Definitely need this, long overdue.
Fadhal Shulhan commented
I need this!
Sreemon S commented
I want to easily open certain files I have created long back and saved in cloud. Search with file name and open them inside adobe XD app itself
Swartz commented
We shifted all employees from Figma to XD to maintain an ecosystem. I myself stopped using Illustrator and Photoshop as much for UI/UX and use XD about 95% -
In 6 months I have so many files, I can no longer use XD to locate anything easily so started to store ALL XD locally so I can search.
This is odd, and can anyone at Adobe explain to me as an Elastic Search/Redis/MongoDB/DB engineer why you could not implement it. Local index is generated via XD, uploads/syncs to XD, as a file is committed (POSTED) you simply change the state and confirm the index is accurate. Boom done.. At scale this cuts the cost for 1M users same time elastics reindex etc.. Need help just ping me :)
Muhammad Risyad Ilmawan commented
I just don't get why my company still use this tool, so many updates but this basic function never came out, why?
It's been 2 f'in years. -
Jade Macfarlane commented
It's ridiculous that this hasn't been implemented after 2 years since the feature request. It's horrible trying to find cloud files, especially when you're in a rush in your workload. Even viewing in list view isn't any help because you can't drag the name column to be wider, so you cannot read the filenames properly.
Sophie Tessier commented
Hi, We absolutly need a search bar in the home pannel. I work since a year to develop a complex app with multiple user flows. I do need a search bar to find files in my 200+ prototypes. So, I'm loosing several minutes a day, I don't count for a year...
Tsila Cochavi commented
It's overdue. when will you pay attention?
Search in files is basic. Wake up... -
Francois commented
Searching is now a priority! I use XD since 2 years and it's too complicated to find a file
isabel commented
We would like to have a search field in the open screen in adobe xd.
하하패밀리 commented
It's basic.
It doesn't make sense to have no basics. -
Jindřich Pavlásek commented
+1 for this. I believe many more people are looking for this feature. It is bugging me at least a year now. It was also a bit hard to find this ticket (4th time google search). Cloud documents without search field are insane.
Ole Fredrik Lie commented
Yes please!
Guthrie Watson commented
Please can this be prioritised I've 100s of cloud docs now and it's really quite difficult to find anything I didn't open recently.