Search symbols
Being able to name and find quickly a symbole
As a big user of masters and symbols, It is important to being able to categorize them and being able to find the relevant item to add in the prototype.
You can now search your symbols as of our December release! We added a search feature in the assets panel that will search colors, character styles, and symbols.
Cyrill Studer commented
This would be sooo helpful! But it would require this feature to be available:
Simcha Cohen commented
This is very important! When I add a symbol to my page, I don't want the name in the layers panel to be (i.e.) "Symbol 52 - 9". I want to be able to name it.
I should be able to name the symbol so that when I look at my page layers, I can know that this specific layer is the symbol (i.e.) "happy emoji" as opposed to "Symbol 52 - 9".
This seems like an easy feature fix. It would be nice to prioritize this.
Thank you!
Brandon commented
Yes. And also for Windows when Symbols is released as an update. My GOD, I want symbols in the Windows version so bad! #HighPriorityPlease :P