Speed up prototype links (as of preview 2)
Since preview 2 (apr edition) prototypes are taking a fair bit longer to load.
We’re constantly updating our sharing service to ensure that you get a great experience while sharing. If you’ve continued to see slowdown, please do file a bug in UserVoice.
Sunshine Net commented
Hello Adobe. Any news about slow loading ??
Yien Lorenzo commented
Hello! I created one project that has 14 screens. When I generated the link and tried to preview in my browser, it takes 3 minutes to load all the screens. How could Adobe improve or fix this issue? I wanted to propose this software to my colleagues but when I created a sample project that was created in Adobe XD, I think there's a possibility that my proposal will be rejected. I hope you can fix this as soon as possible. Thank you. I'll be waiting for your response.
Rhys Duindam commented
I get the feeling that the full images etc that I load into XD are uploaded. Could a tick box be given that gives the option to automatically scale down and re-save images for web? I feel this would speed up the online links.
Silver Spades commented
Share Online is extremely slow now. What took a seconds now takes 30 minutes.
Do we use image optimisation? -
AdminStuart Knightley (Admin, Adobe) commented
Hi, we've noticed this as well and are investigating how and why the slow down is occurring.