This will be available in our next update, in August.
We’ve added three kinds of shorthand:
- One digit “c” → #cccccc
- Two digits “80” → #808080
- Three digits “8f0” → #88ff00
mhimt commented
Thanks Peter!!! <3
Zach Bruce commented
Thanks Peter! <3
Kaue Lima commented
When using hex triplets (Eg.: #222) on the color picker, XD is not completing the color as it should. Hex triplets works when the RGB values have the same digit doubled. For an example, #222 is equal to #222222 and #321 is equal to #332211. On XD if you input a triplet, it will use the 3 digit as the last digitis of the hex and fill the first 3 with zeroes.
Donald V. commented
I agree with Zach, the hex is now converting to a wrong longhand hex value when you add a shorthand hex value.
Zach Bruce commented
Small detail that will make us web designers happy with the new color picker:
When typing in HEX values, I should be able to enter in 2 or 3 HEX characters to get the correct web equivelent. E.G:
• Typing "#3a", Tab / Enter should result in hex #3a3a3a (NOT #00003a)
• Typing "#333", Tab / Enter should result in hex #333333 (NOT #000333)