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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. The previous export settings let you say what resolution the asset was designed at (very flexible)---the new one doesn't allow for this and makes it much harder when designing at higher resolution and wanting to automate scaling down.

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  2. The october 2021 update brings a new export screen with fewer options. The one i'm missing is to set what resolution my project is.

    Some projects I made in @2x but now, when I export it, XD assumes it is @1x, so everything is not exported properly.

    Please, come back with the resolution option.

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    1. Please make "Export for Screens" in Illustrator available in Adobe XD.

    2. After I set all things done in illustrator and exported the file to XD, I found that the assets I set in illustrator had not been saved in XD. Could you add this feature to XD to make the software recognise the assets as "Mark for Export"?


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    Thanks for your feedback! Please note that we have export for different screens sizes already available in our Export menu. I’ll convert this ticket to be about your second request.

  3. All export targets

    File-> Export-> All Export Targets
    Can you consider displaying a confirmation dialog such as "Export XXX files? Export / Cancel" when you select this flow? (Or you can interrupt this operation)

    Reason: When you want to output only one artboard, select "File-> Export-> Selected Objects", but sometimes you click "All Export Targets" due to an operation error. If all the images to be exported in the file are output, it will take a while to wait for processing, so it would be greatly appreciated if you could implement a method to avoid such an operation error. is.

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  4. When creating composite assets (e.g. a photograph + text) in XD, exporting into a jpg or other format discards the EXIF/IPTC/XMP metadata from the photo.

    Ideally there would be some way to easily retain/inherit the metadata from one or more components on the exported file.

    We currently have to reattribute our custom metadata fields onto the exported image.

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  5. Hello, some of us asked for shadow in assets library. Could be nice to have size too ? So I could grab a button from my design system and then apply a specific size defined in my design system.

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  6. We can already mark for export, but it would be very helpful if we could have a do not export option for components.

    For example, I work on a lot of web banner ads and our prototypes in XD need to have the Google ads icon displayed on all banner ads. I've converted this icon into a component.

    Before I hand the approved ads to our developer, I change the opacity of the master icon component to 0 and then export the artwork.

    I wish we could select the component in the Components panel, right click on it and choose…

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  7. I'd like to drag and drop assets (color, components, styles) into the library panel with ease.

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  8. Since iOS filenaming convention doesn't allow "_" and Android Asset naming convention doesn't all "-" can the asset names be renamed internally when we choose either iOS or Android Platform?

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  9. It would be nice if there is a slug area just as indesign where you can add aditional information and export it for our clients or developing team.

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  10. I would love to be able to use auto-animated elements in my Premier Pro videos. It's much simpler than animating in premier and it could be so quick.

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  11. When we share a design made for iOS to developers, it could be great to have the option to select the appropriate color as NSColor and UIColor as well as Hex RGB etc :) It will be more convenient for developers to have access to UIColor/NSColor right from their dev design specs ;)

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  12. When exporting Android assets, I'd like to see an option to "include dpi in asset name".

    iOS assets add the @1x, @2x, @3x to the icon names, which I find useful. I would like to have the same option for Android, where mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, etc. is added to each asset and see them all in one folder.

    I export a large amount of assets every week and this could really speed up our process.

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  13. When exporting an artboard(s) to a image file(s) (PNG, JPG etc) it would be nice to have the option to clip the image at the vertical scroll indicator.

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  14. I have been discussing with colleagues, the ability to save multiple types of file type when ready to export forcdev. In reality, some assets would be SVG, so PNG and some maybe JPG. Currently, if you batch export, you have to save them all as one type of file.

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  15. When I paste a link into Slack, I'd like to see a Live Preview of my prototype.

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  16. Would it be possible to introduce a short-cut option (right-click on Mac) to export each page directly from an artboard?

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  17. I have issue with SVG generated by XD for usage in Icon Font generator. I use this one:

    There is online generator:

    I attach one example file generate by XD: heart-xd.svg

    And one re-saved by Illustrator: heart-illustator.svg

    Because if I open the svg in illustrator and re-save it, it'll work fine. I am suspecting the svg syntax in XD doesn't work properly.

    I got information that XD SVG does not export bezier point data so scenario you’re describing is expected with how the feature is currently designed.

    Maybe connected to this request:

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