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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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371 results found

  1. When I swipe between screens I do not want the header and footer bar to slide with the transition, just the content area. Please create a function for this

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  2. Description
    It becomes very frustrating when you have multiple monitor setup and you work on the laptop and see the preview on the big monitor next to you. Normally how it works is that you take the XD to the monitor you want the preview to be, click on desktop preview button and then the preview opens in the big monitor on a 100% scale. Then you come back with XD to the laptop. I think if we had a setting to open the preview on the user'
    s choice of desktop with a 100% scale, it would have been…

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  3. Having a card component with a hover state, and within this card component is a checkbox.

    If I hover over the card component and mark the checkbox as selected, when the card component goes back to regular mode as I am not hovering any longer - the checkbox unchecks.

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  4. Currently (Xd 28) when we select an object that has interactions with different destinations, the property inspector is just blank. We need to select one of the wires to view the interactions.

    It would be great to see in the property inspector an overview of all interactions associated with that object when we click on the object itself. Very similar to what we see when we click on a wire that has multiple interactions.

    That should help in those moments that I start hunting my wires to understand why I can't use a certain trigger (as it is already in…

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  5. This would encompass more advanced input and forum tools. For example, during a user-testing session, it would be nice if the prototype could all the user to simulate uploading a file from their desktop.

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  6. I absolutely love the new hoverstates features in Xd. Following this I think it would be very handy if Xd introduced more advanced states like touch feedback for when we design and prototype mobile apps. For example as I type this message the letters on my keyboard pop up and out to show what I am pressing. Same thing goes for my calculator, as I press a number it bolds up. These subtle animations/feedback would do wonders when presenting the prototype.

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  7. It would be nice to have common interact-able elements in a prefab form to select from. For example, top navigation link that displays a color change, or drop down menu on hover.

    After you select the prefab you should be able to change typeface, color, shape, etc of all the various element states but it would save a lot of time setting up the auto-animate between all the states.

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  8. I want to use a PC keyboard trigger in device preview using iPad. It's to create a prototype that uses touch and hard switch operation, like Nintendo's Switch.

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  9. Hey Adobe, may update is great, Keyboard trigger is great but…(always a "but")
    I made a prototype that i can manipulate with the arrows and i don't want the native left and right navigation to be active when i test my prototype.
    I think a little option is missing in a general project parameters.

    Thank you !

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  10. For animations, it would be very helpful to allow for multiple rotations so I'm not limited a single 359-degree rotation. This will allow for much simpler loading style animations which currently I have to do some trickery to make it look like it is spinning more than once.

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  11. Without fail there is always an interaction or need that isn't in the software. Plugins allow custom code during development. Allow a custom code component to run during the prototype state so I can add features that XD lacks. Like a scrollbar component that scrolls dynamically when users are viewing the published shared content to better simulate a true experience.

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  12. When working on large projects it becomes hard to drag prototype links when you have 80 plus pages.

    It would be great to be able to link from one xd item to another in a separate prototype file. So you can break large files into usable chunks. maybe have tabs within the artboard.

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  13. Page scrolling doesn't currently work during auto-animation playback. Scrollable pages should allow user to scroll while animation is in play.

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  14. Please rename the "Dissolve" transition to "Fade". Dissolve is a terrible blending mode in Photoshop and it took me weeks to realize that "dissolve" really just means "fade" in XD. "Fade" would be far more intuitive for users, more accurately describe what the transition is, and set the right expectation prior to clicking.

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  15. It is useful to edit strings collectively, for example if you focus on a board, make a panel, where all strings are listed leading to the focused board.

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  16. I would like to link multiple objects (across multiple artboards) to the same artboard simultaneously.

    In my attached screen shot you can see that both "home" buttons are selected on the two different artboards but the "destination" dropdown is disabled in the prototype sidebar.

    It would be nice if this destination field was usable even when objects (single or multiple) aren't already linked to something.

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  17. While playing (long) transitions (e.g. a 5 sec auto-animated loading animation) it is not possible to trigger any keyboard/gamepad or voice events ( order to jump to another view). This is annoying.

    Click events -on the other hand - are possible to abort running transition at any time.

    I reported this as bug, but was told to raise it here.

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  18. Positioning an overlay is really approximate as it only works by using the mouse, without any indication of its position. Whether it is the distance from the artboard edges, or to other existing elements on the artboard.

    Would be great to be able to move an overlay using the keyboard arrow for better accuracy, as well as being able to toggle the overlay position by pressing "alt" (as this already exists in design mode)

    Thanks guys!

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  19. WHY mobile landscape in Preview have space at top and bottom with black color, its ugly, this gape/space can only be gone if height is 550 or more, height under 550 have this space which make whole prototype look very ugly to show some one. in the screenshot attached The W is 736 and the H is 414 Landscape

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  20. Links that scroll UNDER a fixed layer, should NOT be clickable. Currently, the link can be clicked "through" the layer.

    For instance, if you have a fixed header at the top, and links below it in the body area that can scroll behind/under the header, are still clickable through the header...

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