Disable arrow key navigation in desktop preview
Hey Adobe, may update is great, Keyboard trigger is great but…(always a "but")
I made a prototype that i can manipulate with the arrows and i don't want the native left and right navigation to be active when i test my prototype.
I think a little option is missing in a general project parameters.
Thank you !
Josh Hester commented
I was able to set up a hacky way to "override" the left/right arrow keys during desktop preview by assigning them both as "Speech/Playback" type actions, so they'll try to play audio instead of navigating slides/artboards.
The trick, however, is you have to enter in a spacebar blank inside the speech text field, so it will play nothing. If you forget to hit the spacebar (leaving a blank) inside the speech text field, it won't work.
kanako commented
Can you disable it not only when sharing but also when previewing desktop?
Since the use of the cloud is not permitted in-house, the prototype is shared with each file. -
xd user commented
By default Adobe XD enables the keyboard arrows (up, down, left, right) to jump between art boards. Please provide a way to disable this default behavior.
If some keyboard keys are used as Triggers (using the Keys & Gamepad) then the resulting prototype is very easy to break.
If a user presses an arrow button that does not have a defined destination in the prototype then the user is navigated to the wrong art board. Please see attached.
Note that this has nothing to do with Sharing. it's an issue in Desktop Preview.
AdminJason San Jose (Admin, Adobe) commented
You can disable the arrow buttons in the UI and the arrow keyboard keys by unchecking "Show Navigation Controls" when sharing. See https://helpx.adobe.com/xd/help/work-with-prototypes.html#navigate.
koyoko commented
I want to turn off the setting to navigate the art board with the left and right keys when previewing.
Generate problems during usability testing.
Yerom_D commented
Thanks Elaine for your feedback.
No, that's in sharing prototype that i talk. When i test my project on the fly (shortcut on mac cmd + return) on my computer. By the way, i didn't find the item "previewing" in the menus, just found it with the shortcut (old flash reflex).So when i test it in that mode, the keyboard actions are already used by XD natively and i would like to desactive the native or maybe just take control over it.
Thank you. -
AdminJason San Jose (Admin, Adobe) commented
When sharing, uncheck "Show Navigation Controls". Doing this will (1) remove the left/right buttons displayed below the prototype and (2) disable arrow key navigation.
Please let us know if that works for you. Thanks for the feedback!
Luc commented
Using the latest May 2019 update.
Thanks a lot for the new keybord triggers.
When defining the key for a transition, you can choose a single left ← or right → arrow.
However, when you run the prototype, these triggers are used to manually navigate between artboards, which is quite confusing.
Disabling manual navigation or letting the user assign new triggers in the settings for that purpose would solve my issue.