Settings and activity
1 result found
26 votes
I see that some of the people who have responded are looking for hovers for elements, which is already supported via hover states: This specific request seems to be focused on supporting secondary navigation where there might be overlapping edges. I’ll keep this open for the latter use case.
Thomas Bonamy supported this idea ·An error occurred while saving the comment
Component have a lot of bugs when there is multiple instances of them (Example: Open dropdown; roll over; choose the option; validate; close dropdown etc).
The other things is about the rollout effect: When I set up a rollover effect on a specific element or group of elements inside a component, the rollout effect is not on the specific element or group of elements that I selected before for the rollover but on the entire component. It's not logical and realistic effect in the case we have a component with multiple instances inside (Example: Dropdown for filter: I open it, I have several choices with checkbox and a validation CTA. The roll over that I set up on each of these check box works well but the rollout works only if my pointer goes out of the entire component and not out of the checkbox).