Settings and activity
2 results found
33 votes
Thanks for your feedback! I’m going to keep this open, but I wanted to let you know that your cloud docs (if opened from the machine) is cached locally.
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131 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Dan commentedYes, agree - this is critical. As a designer, I need to be able to at least export the comments as a PDF so I can choose to either print them and mark off as I go through changes, take them in when I see a client (if I can't take an iPad to the meeting) or simply to back up the PDF on my computer in case something happens to the prototype (just recently I accidentally deleted a prototype with comments before I was finished with it... what a nightmare).
Agree with this - it's critical. I need to be able to back up the Cloud files locally on my hard drive. What happens when we're out of range of internet? We have no option but to copy the file to the hard drive manually, but then we end up with 2 files that are out of sync with one another.