It's September 2019 and this issue is still not resolved. Anyone at Adobe looking here?
I'm currently working on a project where I have hundreds of colors for some elements (each element has multiple states and children that also have states)
Now I'm creating the assets palette and I have to play the 5000 shades of grey in order to be able to create a colour asset for each state. then, If after I apply them if I change a colour and mistakenly matches an existing #hex in the assets panel, it destroys one of them.
It's September 2019 and this issue is still not resolved. Anyone at Adobe looking here?
I'm currently working on a project where I have hundreds of colors for some elements (each element has multiple states and children that also have states)
Now I'm creating the assets palette and I have to play the 5000 shades of grey in order to be able to create a colour asset for each state. then, If after I apply them if I change a colour and mistakenly matches an existing #hex in the assets panel, it destroys one of them.
Any hope of getting this fixed?