I've been using Adobe XD for a little over a month now and about 4-6 hours a day. Shortly there abouts I've started developing eye strain. Please add a theme option to allow a darker artboard at the worst. I just Googled Adobe Xd dark theme because I've been using it since 7:30 this morning (7 hours) and am legitimately having to stop work because my eyes are killing me.
I know you guys don't want to harm your greatest fans, but this isn't trivial for people like myself. Please consider giving us an MVP theme of some sort.
I've been using Adobe XD for a little over a month now and about 4-6 hours a day. Shortly there abouts I've started developing eye strain. Please add a theme option to allow a darker artboard at the worst. I just Googled Adobe Xd dark theme because I've been using it since 7:30 this morning (7 hours) and am legitimately having to stop work because my eyes are killing me.
I know you guys don't want to harm your greatest fans, but this isn't trivial for people like myself. Please consider giving us an MVP theme of some sort.