What the hell? Such an elementary thing, but I do not see it realized in Adobe XD! The need for a mandatory implementation of the CSS Box Model (https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp). Set these parameters is important for both web development and mobile. Including in the design, because much is built on these parameters. It should be possible to set individual parameters, like the left border, only the left and the bottom, and so on.
What the hell? Such an elementary thing, but I do not see it realized in Adobe XD! The need for a mandatory implementation of the CSS Box Model (https://www.w3schools.com/css/css_boxmodel.asp). Set these parameters is important for both web development and mobile. Including in the design, because much is built on these parameters. It should be possible to set individual parameters, like the left border, only the left and the bottom, and so on.