Hello! The problem with the brightness in application https://yadi.sk/i/Ttrl9gIZ3RUn23 Colors too bright and not the same as the source file. How to change a color profile is unknown Please please help.
Of course, I tried another image, I have the same problem
Hello! The problem with the brightness in application https://yadi.sk/i/Ttrl9gIZ3RUn23 Colors too bright and not the same as the source file. How to change a color profile is unknown Please please help.
Of course, I tried another image, I have the same problem
new image https://yadi.sk/i/EgPdrmBR3RUizT the problem remained (
On another Mac, no problem - https://yadi.sk/i/EgPdrmBR3RUizT
Version https://yadi.sk/i/T60O6AJ93RWysK