The main issue I encounter is no matter which manual setting I set for responsive design the object does not scale proportionally with the column grid. So if the column with is 20px and the object is 20px when I made the object responsive and the board, the object will end up shorter than the gride so the pixel scaling is not proportionate to each other.
I also use Figma, and in their app when you change the responsive width of the board the object resizes to scale with the columns, this is not the case with Adobe XD. This doesn't allow me to keep alignment automatically nor keep spacing consistent, nor does it scale things as it should.
The main issue I encounter is no matter which manual setting I set for responsive design the object does not scale proportionally with the column grid. So if the column with is 20px and the object is 20px when I made the object responsive and the board, the object will end up shorter than the gride so the pixel scaling is not proportionate to each other.
I also use Figma, and in their app when you change the responsive width of the board the object resizes to scale with the columns, this is not the case with Adobe XD. This doesn't allow me to keep alignment automatically nor keep spacing consistent, nor does it scale things as it should.