Settings and activity
2 results found
1,218 votesfeature-under-review · 72 comments · Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only) » 02 : Prototype mode · Admin →
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709 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Erin Standley commentedConsistency between Ai and XD shortcuts would be great. If it makes more sense to use R for rectangle these days, fine. Since a user can edit shortcuts in Ai, maybe adding an option in Ai to "match XD shortcuts" would help.
Erin Standley supported this idea ·
This would be very helpful to simulate a user journey. Something even as simple as changing the state of an artboard after an interaction would help.
For instance, a "My orders" view for an shopping app has an empty cart until a user adds something to their cart. Instead of two separate artboards, there is just one "My orders" that changes its state. This would reduce the possibility of the user ending up back at the first one via some other path because the other interactions on the "My orders" artboard are hooked up to other things.