Apply gradient to border/stroke
When I import a SVG file with a gradient on the stroke, it becomes gray in XD. And there is no way that I can make the border/stroke with gradient color.
I feel it will be nice to apply gradient to the border so that I don't have to expand the stroke.
David commented
So weak !
Afsar Ali commented
Please add gradient stroke.
Hanif Ghaderi commented
Please add gradient stroke.
Anonymous commented
Option to add gradient colors to strokes (borders) or to convert them to fill to manipulate more in detail (See attached)
Anonymous commented
Please add this!
Anonymous commented
Please implement the feature of adding gradient to borders. Much needed!
Anonymous commented
I dont see option to create effect similar to Fluent Design light when you hover over certain object/button in AdobeXD.
This could be achieved either by:
1)Allowing to apply stroke gradient
2)Implementing option to apply light sources to certain object which would illuminate parts of it depending on amount. -
Anonymous commented
I dont see option to create effect similar to Fluent Design light when you hover over certain object/button in AdobeXD.
This could be achieved either by:
1)Allowing to apply stroke gradient
2)Implementing option to apply light sources to certain object which would illuminate parts of it depending on amount. -
Martin Sarna commented
Please add gradient stroke.
Karan Panchal commented
It'll be really great if a user can give gradient colour to the stroke/border. Right now we have to just create an image in the photoshop and then use it as an image and its very long process for the simple task. So it'll be really helpful if we users get this feature of giving gradient colour to stroke/border.
Rayhanul Islam commented
When trying to create a doughnut chart for any data visualization, its very important to have border gradient option so we don't have to use pen tool to create the shape. I had to import the shape from Photoshop.
[Deleted User] commented
This is a basic feature that should be in the app by default, in my opinion.
Anonymous commented
need to apply gradients to stroke or borders same as fill color to rectangle or circles
Bashar Louzon commented
need to apply gradients to stroke or borders same as fill color to rectangle or circles
Ron Zhang commented
Need gradient types as well as gradient stroke support. But so far we are loving the overall XD improvements and direction. In our design team, we are moving everyone from Sketch to XD.
Anonymous commented
please add this feature. and rulers !!!
MPX commented
XD has this feature for main color of shapes but we need it also for border and text (specialy for pen) . It would be great if adobe xd team add this feature.
Anonymous commented
Who is the ..... developed adobe XD? There is no ruler, not an option to apply gradient on stroke. How adobe consider XD as a product even!
Lovechand Shrestha commented
Really basic feature we need this!
Clayton commented
This is so importante, please do it.