Version Control - store history/timeline of revisions
It would be nice if there was a way to have multiple versions of a design living in one document. Right now we'll have a v1 wireframe and will be reviewing features for v2. I typically lock that version and then create a new file called v2 and start making changes. Would be nice if they could be linked somehow verses multiple file versions.
In this week’s release, we introduced document history for cloud documents, which enables you to review previous saved versions of your document within a window, and label and preserve these versions in perpetuity. If you have suggestions for improvements on this experience, please do file them as separate tickets!
Francesca Valentini commented
Honestly it's embarrassing. I just can't propose Adobe XD at work because it comes "vanilla" and can't dialogue with most of the apps/softwares that are used now. It's impossible to collaborate using XD and it's a real pity.
Chris commented
...and we're still waiting 3 years later... might as well buy a mac and use Sketch and be done with it.
yogaboy commented
it's ridiculous. XD will never be a professional tool until it has the opportunity to cooperate in the team. Please do at least a beta version or anything remotely reminiscent of a single file. For God's sake, it is 2019
Christopher Rider commented
Update pls?
David Genger commented
Joseph Roberts commented
Preview from 2016... doesn’t seem like it’s coming anytime soon.
Anonymous commented
How is this coming along? Any more info?
Danielle Wells commented
When will this feature be released??????
Joshua commented
Why are we still waiting on this?
Bill commented
Greg commented
This feature is the most needed feature for me at this point. I lost a bunch of work because of the Auto Save feature while saving to the cloud. I will not be saving to the cloud again until this feature is finished. It has been years since this feature was announced.
Gman commented
Update from 2107? throw us a bone Adobe, this is a game changer.
Anonymous commented
I lost 2 days worth of work. Auto-save failed big time and I couldn't access the latest cloud document. Version control could have saved my ass. One thing Sketch did it right and XD has failed to bring so far.
Sushan Shrestha commented
I just lost my 4 weeks work. NOW HOW CAN I ACCESS ALL THOSE FILES?
Glenn Taylor commented
Had the same thing happen to me. I have been looking to see if there was a version control. Very disappointed. Something like this should be standard at this point. May convince team to go back to Sketch.
Xavier commented
Mmmh ? Any news ?
DA commented
Where is it?
J. commented
What happened with visual versioning? Any updates? Just lost a full day of work. Artboards just disappeared over the weekend.
Karol Kolecava commented
Just got PWND by autosave and I am unable to retrieve my latest version of the prototype. This is a HUGE problem and looks like it has been taking 2 years to develop this.
Without version control, this cannot be used professionally.
Won commented
@lucas i had the same thing with a cloud document, i work on a windows device and the solution was log in in Creative cloud on a macbook pro and i could open and save all my files again. hope it helps!