Illustrator "Select Same" functionality
Wouldn't be easy if I were select similar object like Adobe Illustrator does?
Cameron Sagey commented
We need the Select Same functionality for fills, strokes, and appearance like Illustrator. This is essential for a fast workflow.
Use Case 1: You have a highlight color across every page of the site. Many of these elements are not created with symbols or type styles. Select Same Color lets you change all of these elements at once, saving huge amounts of time and ensuring you don't miss anything.
Use Case 2: Select all your divider lines with Select Same Stroke Color and change the weight of the stroke.
Use Case 3: Select all image overlays with select same appearance, change blending mode, opacity, etc.
This functionality is incredibly useful, and one of the main reasons I prefer Illustrator over Sketch.
Another useful color management method comes from InDesign: deleting a swatch and replacing it with another swatch. This is a great feature and another good addition to XD, but we still would need Select Same functionality for all it's other great uses beyond color.