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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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158 results found

  1. Convert an Adobe XD file into an OAM file or export as OAM file, example Adobe Edge Animate (OAM)

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  2. Export the created assets in XD into the "Components" and "Text Styles" sections in Zeplin

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  3. currently export to PDF is can only be sorted by the left-right, top-down arrangement. Often there are usecases to arrange your artboards in an arrangment other than left-right, top-down, and so would need some other arbitrary way to choose the order of artboards to pages in a PDF. The Artboards panel already can be sorted arbitrarily, so would be a natural fit, if a user could export to PDF with an option to use the order it appears in the Artboards list, and this would also mirror the behavior in Illustrator and Fireworks.

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  4. When we share a design made for iOS to developers, it could be great to have the option to select the appropriate color as NSColor and UIColor as well as Hex RGB etc :) It will be more convenient for developers to have access to UIColor/NSColor right from their dev design specs ;)

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  5. Similar to how Sketch does it: when I mark something for export, give me a way to put the export settings at that level so it REMEMBERS and I don't have to pick which file type and compression percentage EVERY TIME.

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  6. In the PDF export process, there should be some check boxes.

    One should allow you to include the Artboard title.

    One should allow you to arrange the Artboard's in 2, 4 and 6 up options on a page (I accomplish this by opening in Preview on the Mac and printing as PDF and using the Mac's layout feature), but it would be nice to have it built into XD.

    One should allow for printing the Prototype links between Artboard elements, using some type of ability to tile the output to a multiple page pdf that can be printed and reassembled…

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  7. Adobe Creative Design supports svg export which is great, but the resulting svg is a little bit suboptimal. For example, if i create a simple circle, give it a stroke-width of 4 with some color and a fill
    the resulting svg contains a group element containing 2 circles, one with a fill and the other with a stroke.

    It would be great if the exported svg could be cleaner. I attached some sample files. the "exported.svg" is the file exported from Adobe XD, the "edited.svg" contains the svg, which yields the same result but is cleaner.

    A cleaner…

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    The feature that allows you to control the position of stroke: inside/center/outside was started and it will be available in the future versions of Adobe XD. Will let you know once the feature becomes available.


  8. Now that you guys have added an excellent feature which allows us to download assets from design specs link. please provide a shortcut key to mark for batch export action. because finding things in the layers panel and then right-clicking is very tedious.

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  9. When exporting Android assets, I'd like to see an option to "include dpi in asset name".

    iOS assets add the @1x, @2x, @3x to the icon names, which I find useful. I would like to have the same option for Android, where mdpi, hdpi, xhdpi, etc. is added to each asset and see them all in one folder.

    I export a large amount of assets every week and this could really speed up our process.

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  10. I have noticed that assets that I have selected to be uploaded to my developer prototype only seems to include assets that are visible on the art board. It would be good if the developers had access to all the assets I have selected for upload in the asset panel regardless to whether they are visible on the art board or not.

    I turn visibility off for some of my icons as they change in different states and it is easier to keep them layered but the ones I'm not currently using tuned off (flash on/off/auto for example)

    Thanks :)

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  11. When exporting to AE - anything that is a gradient gets rasterized even if the object is vector.

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  12. I face this issue everytime when I export any asset. The solution for this is simple. If we can make XD to remember different saving path for different files.

    For example:
    There are two files Project1.xd and Project2.xd

    Suppose we are working on "Project1.xd" and we exported some assets to path "D:\Project1\Assets". Everything is fine.

    Now we are working on "Project2.xd" and we want to export some assets. We selected the path "D:\Project2\Assets". No issues till now.

    Now the problem comes in. Now we again worked on "Project1.xd" and again we want to export assets. Now we find the path…

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  13. Right now it seems that I can export vector graphics as PNGs with transparent backgrounds but this is not true for PDFs. Even when I uncheck FILL, the PDF is still exported with a white fill.

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  14. When exporting "single" selected artboard, I would like to have a control over the exported artbard file name.

    Now, each time I am exporting new artboard version, I am forced to create a separate folder.

    I also export the same artboard few times in a row to present some idea but with different visibility of individual artboard element. Creating folder each time for such export is a nightmare.

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  15. Hey! It would be great to have the assets marked to export to be converted to curves when published on the design specs page.

    Today, when I mark a Font Awesome icon built with ligatures for export, the devs (who export all assets in SVG) get an icon with the character from the font itself and not the vector asset.

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  16. I just saw some really amazing slide decks at Adobe Max made using Adobe Xd. I make a ton of slide decks and would love to make these decks in Xd and be able to export them as Keynote files, so other people (no designers) can use and edit the same file in keynote.

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  17. When exporting an artboard(s) to a image file(s) (PNG, JPG etc) it would be nice to have the option to clip the image at the vertical scroll indicator.

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  18. Current functionality is to mark a layer for batch export, which works, but is kind of odd when a symbol is used in multiple places (marking a random one for export feels sort of odd and hard to trace), and when in a repeat grid, for example, marks each instance in the repeat grid for export (meaning duplicates of the same asset in the design spec).

    It would make more sense from my end to be able to mark a symbol for export as well, that way the mental model is more system-oriented, and allows for one place to handle…

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  19. I have been discussing with colleagues, the ability to save multiple types of file type when ready to export forcdev. In reality, some assets would be SVG, so PNG and some maybe JPG. Currently, if you batch export, you have to save them all as one type of file.

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  20. The ability to save a PNG or JPG file with all the artboards in the file
    I'd like to save my artboards to a single file, but I can only currently export a series of images of each artboard. I've provided an example below, which I've stitched together in Photoshop.

    Poder Guardar un archivo .PNG o .JPG con todas las mesas de trabajo como lo esta ya haciendo Photoshop cc

    Buenas amigos la idea seria que al guardar mis mesas si tengo un archivo extenso se puedan guardar todas al mismo tiempo como .PNG o . JPG como lo hace…

    110 votes

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