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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)

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Adobe XD: Feature Requests (Read-Only)


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  1. Something is wrong with text fields "auto height" during animate (ex. from one artboard to another). During animate text fields changing Y position ("jumping" up and down). It is only after "Share prototype in web. In preview in Adobe XD is correct.
    Please check attached file, share it, and check in webbrowser.

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  2. I think this used to work, if I remember right, but now whenever I get an email notification of a comment (or even when I click on the notification from within the prototype online link), when I click on the comment I just get taken to the first artboard - not the one the comment is on.

    So as it stands, the notifications (both in the online link and email) are useless, other than to tell you that there are comments, somewhere. It's then up to me to sift through every page and find the comment

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  3. hi, me and my team (UX) would like to have the ability to share the XD presentation online with dev or PMs on view mode - now they need to have an adobe account to view our presentations- so that's a problem :/

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  4. Version : Beta, CS

    Click the share button in the top right corner and select "Share again".

    The "Update link" and "New link" buttons look exactly the same. Several times I have come to press the wrong button. In 100% of the cases, I want to update the existing link. I would therefore argue that it makes sense to emphasize this as a primary action.

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  5. When generating prototypes to share online - I only see options to share again or update. What if i just want to copy the link again? Have come across this several times. Would be super helpful to have access to previously shared link there. Am I just not seeing it? Thanks.

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  6. Just we have an index of all artboards in Design Mode, we need similar Indexing for Web links - just to show a list of Artboards.

    This will be a huge help to developers who are navigating through hundreds of artboards to find their required design.

    Current Solution:
    1. Name artboard appropriately and Use an In-built search to search the exact keyword to find it.

    1. Send a direct link of that artboard to the developer - which gets really hectic when more than 100+ screens are included.
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    Thanks for your feedback! This is already supported – you can see an overview of all of your artboards through the overview list button in the upper left of the prototype viewer. (I’ve attached a GIF for you.) Please note that you can send a direct link of an artboard by navigating to it and copying the URL from your browser. That link will open it directly to the artboard. Hope that helps!

  7. Sharing presets are great, but not optimal yet.

    Consider such a use case:
    - Your prototype is shared for user testing. This way, the users can access the artboards which are linked to the prototype root artboard (great) or to all artboards (not great).
    - From this XD file, the designer may also share specific artboards for developers. In such case, the need is pretty the opposite. Getting access to the prootype is not really necessary, but access to components specs is a must.

    So, I think the sharing presets should include the list of shared artboards, which of course…

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  8. I'd like to see extra info displayed on the Share panel. Things like when you made a new link and the likes. I constantly get asked if I've shared a link or updated a prototype and then I can't remember. Info like this will help me.

    One other thing that would be nice is an indication when an update has been pushed successfully. Currently, when the update has been pushed there is no feedback visually or auditory to indicate such an action. Imagine a chime along the lines of After Effects when a render is done. The panel closed sometimes…

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  9. It would be very helpful if it was possible to simply export a self-contained HTML demo from Adobe XD. This means it would export all artboards as HTML pages, with links available between them as defined in the Prototype mode into a single folder on my computer. No need for internet access, cloud access, or enterprise security accommodations... just an export to a local folder.

    From there, I can decide the best means to share it with users or other stakeholders, using whatever means my company allows.


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  10. Would be very helpful not to require clients/stakeholders to create an Adobe account simply to review their comps. This could be sandboxed within private links to solve security concerns (ie., if they have the link, they can be assumed safe to allow comments from). Many clients won't do so, forcing to send a JPG or PDF via Dropbox instead, which defeats the purpose of having used a prototyping tool.

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  11. Hi,

    I love XD but I do have one comment when updating the button to create a new link is right next to it, and it's been many times that I click the create a new link by mistake and then I need to resend the last link and or add all the emails to the invite list. Should be good if there is a warning window that you need to double check before create a new link

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  12. The current position of the 'duration since a comment was written' has confused a few people, due to it's proximity to the 'Reply' link. I've attached a screenshot - see the second comment.

    Upon initial glance, it appears that the time since the comment was created actually refers to the reply, rather than the original comment. The line reads "1 reply 3 days ago". In this case, '3 days ago' refers to the time since the initial comment, and is unrelated to the reply action.

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    We’ve adjusted the way we present comments in the past year. Now, the comment is in the upper right corner of the comment, while the reply button is in the lower left hand corner. Please feel free to file another ticket if you feel like additional improvements need to be made!

  13. To comment on a shared prototype link currently, we have to type the comment and then select where on the prototype we'd like to place the comment. This is very counter-intuitive because the comment bar on the bottom right feels disconnected from the prototype.

    If I could pick a location first and then type the comment directly next to it, then that will help me remember what I'm commenting about.

    Also, it would be great to highlight a comment more prominently when its corresponding icon/number is clicked on the prototype. Right now its a very subtle background change.

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  14. I'm missing an option to mark and comment on the online (published) preview image. this feature can be very useful in the design and develop meeting when other members of the team comment on the mockup design.

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  15. "As a web viewer, it was not clear that I can add comments." It appears that the input field for adding notes may be so far down on the page on large monitors that it is being missed. See attached screen shot with notes notations.

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  16. I work with a file that in the beginning was just a wirefrsame clickdummie and now is a full UI clickdummie. When I shared it online the first time, I uploaded an icon to provide the Share Online link. Back by now the project had a complete other name and logo and the icon doesn’t fit well anymore …

    Is there the possibility to change the Icon? I didn’t find the request here yet …

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  17. Hello,
    Would you please consider moving the Comment field to the top of the panel (just under the icons) because when you first open comments, it appears at the bottom of the screen and it feels too far away from where you just clicked. It took me and several others several glances to see where it was.

    Thanks so much,

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  18. It can be very cool if there is way for integration iframe of XD project in Behance project for demonstrating in case.

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  19. when i share a link, everybody who has an Adobe ID account can delete this link. if i create a prototype and i share it with someone i would like to be the only one who can manage and delete it.

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  20. Currently, pressing browsers back button exits the page.

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