Migrating Adobe XD links from JIRA Server to JIRA cloud?
I am performing a server to cloud migration for a client who is heavily using Adobe XD integration with their Jira installation. I have been unable to find any documentation on how to migrate the links from server to cloud.
Is there a migration process you can point me to or assist with this in any way? I have yet to be able to even find away to identify which issues have Adobe XD links without manually checking each issue. At this point I am thinking of starting to look directly in the DB but even If I find it there I can’t seem to find a method to automate pushing the links to AdobeXD-Jira Cloud.
Thanks for filing a ticket! This seems like a query and not a feature request, so you should definitely file this on the Community Support Forum. https://community.adobe.com/t5/adobe-xd/bd-p/xd?page=1&sort=latest_replies&filter=all
Christopher commented
Does adobe xd migrate from cloud to data center then cloud without having an end user sign into the adobe xd cloud?
Dennis McCaie commented
I also would like to see this added as a feature since many plugins have ann automated (or at least documented) migration path.
Dennis McCaie commented
I have created an issue in the community support forum. It's unfortunate I can't get support for a product my client is paying for directly from the company they are paying and have to rely on the community to hopefully find someone who has faced this before.
Is there not an actual support channel I can use?